♥ Im up way before I need to be listening to Hank III. It's nice that I can be my semi-hill billy self first thing in the morning
♥ I think that I have a crush on a girl at work. Not like a sexual crush but more of a "WOW YOUR FUCKIN GREAT" kinda crush.
♥ if its hot in the office today like it was yesterday I'm killing everyone.
♥ So I love where I work but my callers have no concept of size. the is a big differance between 7 inches and 16 inches. If these fuckin dip-shits would realize that, I think I would get less irritated in gengeral at work.
♥ I think that I have a crush on a girl at work. Not like a sexual crush but more of a "WOW YOUR FUCKIN GREAT" kinda crush.
♥ if its hot in the office today like it was yesterday I'm killing everyone.
♥ So I love where I work but my callers have no concept of size. the is a big differance between 7 inches and 16 inches. If these fuckin dip-shits would realize that, I think I would get less irritated in gengeral at work.
hank III is great in the morning..ya sexxiee hillbilly.