I'm not a musician. I don't either consider myself as a composer. Actually I'm just beginning to create my own music.
It's a long time I wish make music. For years I tried to learn to play an instrument: guitar, drums, keyboards, even saxophone...
The truth is I admire musicians and composers: Bear McCreary, Hans Zimmer, Anthony Gonzalez (M83), John Williams and not only those ones...
And for years, I had to settle myself for just listen and enjoy music made by others. Until this year...
Yeah, a few months ago, I downloaded an app to start making my own music. Oh, for the moment, I grope. As I already said, I'm far from being a real musician.
But listen to what I created!
Here's one the first tracks I made!
For this theme, I wanted for doing some kind of orchestral score, almost epic. A music that would be heard in an adventure movie like Pirates of the Caribbean or the Starz TV series Black Sails.
Actually, this track's the 2nd or 3rd one that I created, but it's the very first that really made me feel fullfilled.
At this time, I'm working to make others tracks like this one. Or maybe tracks with more electronic sounds...
So feel free to let a comment or an advice! ;)