listen: Harry and The Potters - Voldemort Can't Stop The Rock
bahh, the poopy updates
what's new. well, i'm a little lonely since the ex-gf has cut off the regular companionship and the sex. i would like someone to hang with alone. someone i could take to the recent slew of great films in theaters and to small cafes for dinners and to shows. oh, and relish gratifying booty once more.
got a ticket to The Faint for August 15th. will i see you there>?
i've been talking to the friend who moved to Portland. he seems uncomfortable there. not much for jobs and the lack of drive or ambition in most of the people he's met in the area. then again, he could be just surrounded with potheads with part time jobs. he claims though that full time postisitions are scarce.
my promise to myself to move there in August 06 is splitting at the seams a tiny bit. i'm tired of the humidity and the summers heat here. i loathe the midwest sentiment. i would crave something new in a place like oregon, and unlike my friend, i know how to party and would be very comfy with people just getting by, hell, that's all i'm doing here.
added oodles of pics in my folders. have a look if you're bored.
off i go again.

bahh, the poopy updates

what's new. well, i'm a little lonely since the ex-gf has cut off the regular companionship and the sex. i would like someone to hang with alone. someone i could take to the recent slew of great films in theaters and to small cafes for dinners and to shows. oh, and relish gratifying booty once more.
got a ticket to The Faint for August 15th. will i see you there>?
i've been talking to the friend who moved to Portland. he seems uncomfortable there. not much for jobs and the lack of drive or ambition in most of the people he's met in the area. then again, he could be just surrounded with potheads with part time jobs. he claims though that full time postisitions are scarce.
my promise to myself to move there in August 06 is splitting at the seams a tiny bit. i'm tired of the humidity and the summers heat here. i loathe the midwest sentiment. i would crave something new in a place like oregon, and unlike my friend, i know how to party and would be very comfy with people just getting by, hell, that's all i'm doing here.
added oodles of pics in my folders. have a look if you're bored.
off i go again.

do you think snape is good OR evil?

I don't actually.
Have fun with the rest of the book.