so no one wanted those rad dvd things i was going to whip up>?
okay then, less work for me.
ah- ah- too late.
well, not for ol' xSilverx there. hell, i might see him in person this month. k, only if you state to me you want a hodge podge of interesting media sitting on a dvd-r.
so, just work lately. which is fine. its great to get some chunky paychecks for once and i discovered that im getting my washboard abs back. who woulda thought carrying a pallet worth of cat litter packages would be a workout?
im looking for the perfect computer mouse. i want a blue tooth optical track ball for use with the thumb. gonna hunt for it on macsolutions. went to compusa and digitally raped an apple 30" display. i altered the desktop and rate of change, icon size and tweeked the screen saver some. i hung around the nearby shelves watching people go to it like flies on fruit. all those new macs are great. but i'm really waiting for a powerbook g5. they have to make one, it's in their marketing blood.
i'm at a loss at what to say.
so i am nursing a little crush at the workplace. the new arrival is this girl who comes in at 4am to help the overnight workers and myself finish replenishing the sale floor stock. i was one of the first to talk to her. that time and afterwards i was always amiable and neutral. no dumb personal questions or things jerks would ask off the bat. this morning though she dropped "i have a five year old son" bomb.
.shit. i dont hate kids, i'm really great with them but is this all i have to look forward to? crushes don't come often and i still like that feeling. but hell, the girls are all moms. it may never be a problem if i pursued it, all mothers are different in relationships, but i was one of those kids myself. a kid who always got in the way, ruined any semblance of a relaxing relationship, made both of them put off the dream of steady dating before college age days were over. i and all those kids did all that just by being there in conversations or at home or babysitters after an outing.
bah, can't stand it. aren't there any females who don't want the hell of child rearing to start with? if so, lets chat about how great that decision is.
kimmi's set is up, she's got it rough but looks like a million bucks.
i am ten ninjas
wrens b-day is today, please go wish her a happy one!
okay then, less work for me.
ah- ah- too late.
well, not for ol' xSilverx there. hell, i might see him in person this month. k, only if you state to me you want a hodge podge of interesting media sitting on a dvd-r.
so, just work lately. which is fine. its great to get some chunky paychecks for once and i discovered that im getting my washboard abs back. who woulda thought carrying a pallet worth of cat litter packages would be a workout?
im looking for the perfect computer mouse. i want a blue tooth optical track ball for use with the thumb. gonna hunt for it on macsolutions. went to compusa and digitally raped an apple 30" display. i altered the desktop and rate of change, icon size and tweeked the screen saver some. i hung around the nearby shelves watching people go to it like flies on fruit. all those new macs are great. but i'm really waiting for a powerbook g5. they have to make one, it's in their marketing blood.
i'm at a loss at what to say.
so i am nursing a little crush at the workplace. the new arrival is this girl who comes in at 4am to help the overnight workers and myself finish replenishing the sale floor stock. i was one of the first to talk to her. that time and afterwards i was always amiable and neutral. no dumb personal questions or things jerks would ask off the bat. this morning though she dropped "i have a five year old son" bomb.
.shit. i dont hate kids, i'm really great with them but is this all i have to look forward to? crushes don't come often and i still like that feeling. but hell, the girls are all moms. it may never be a problem if i pursued it, all mothers are different in relationships, but i was one of those kids myself. a kid who always got in the way, ruined any semblance of a relaxing relationship, made both of them put off the dream of steady dating before college age days were over. i and all those kids did all that just by being there in conversations or at home or babysitters after an outing.
bah, can't stand it. aren't there any females who don't want the hell of child rearing to start with? if so, lets chat about how great that decision is.
kimmi's set is up, she's got it rough but looks like a million bucks.

wrens b-day is today, please go wish her a happy one!
Explain....or die...sometime....when your older.