dawn of war came out for pc. damn, i wish i owned a pc. i've noticed some members are gearing up for a hermit-y/recluse-y/hibernation style winter. that's great. one of my favorite feelings is being stuck in a small living space with spiffy electronics while it's winter armeggedon outside. i think one of my sg friends took me off of their list, and i don't know who! to those who read me and don't get comments from me. your presense here is on my mind, i read your journals often, but really have not much to say back. but hey, a delete is a delete i suppose. mm.. i feel so idle right now. i have things to do. important and unimportant, but all i feel up to is breathing and thinking about things. especially my friends former gf, he moved to CO after she dumped him, but she still lives here and i've been thinking different "what ifs" about her while my body is on cruise control during work. i got excited for the holidays for the first time this year while stocking the xmas tree ornaments at work. there are so many cool and simple little things that would make a fake tree worth decorating! im gonna buy some of those and i'll post a pic when i get my tree up. no desire for family still, but i can have fun living like a hobbit for two months
it's going to be cool hanging out with her and some others tonight. i want to get so incredibly drunk that i die on her carpet. tanquray (ha, i love the shit but cannot remember how to spell it) and jager bombs, here i fucking come like a jedi brandishing a saber! buuuvvvzzz!

it's going to be cool hanging out with her and some others tonight. i want to get so incredibly drunk that i die on her carpet. tanquray (ha, i love the shit but cannot remember how to spell it) and jager bombs, here i fucking come like a jedi brandishing a saber! buuuvvvzzz!