payday. woo.
wish i could afford to live alone.
i'm getting tired of her..
anyone making good holiday plans?
i'm not. i hate family.
my mother is an unhealthy piece of white trash. ate red meat and smoked all her life. she's paying for it now with consecutive doctor visits which she rambles about over the phone with me expecting pity or some thing.
the cost of gas for travel is the perfect excuse for staying in this clean apartment that is free of second hand, free of people saying "you know" at the end of every sentence (don't you hate that?) and free of the holy one's presense. i've had enough of christianity this year. fuckers.
wish i could afford to live alone.
i'm getting tired of her..
anyone making good holiday plans?
i'm not. i hate family.
my mother is an unhealthy piece of white trash. ate red meat and smoked all her life. she's paying for it now with consecutive doctor visits which she rambles about over the phone with me expecting pity or some thing.
the cost of gas for travel is the perfect excuse for staying in this clean apartment that is free of second hand, free of people saying "you know" at the end of every sentence (don't you hate that?) and free of the holy one's presense. i've had enough of christianity this year. fuckers.

I will be eating with the family...which has its good and bad parts....the good part is that i will see people i haven't seen in a while. The bad part is everyone will be asking when i will be finishing college.....which i dropped out of the beginning of this year. So i will have to explain numerous times.
so i second that