work work work
save save save
still so poor
minneapolis is in two weeks, can i make it?
i think 150 for gas and etc will suffice.
just blast up there and hibernate in friends apartment for two days living off caffiene and ps2 rpgs
happy fucking birthday to me
i feel so forlorn and abandoned
the gf's become deadweight, a mere source of income to help each other pay cost of living
i look back and notice i havent shared or felt true love for almost a year now
her and i used to be really close to pure, five years at that!
jan 17 will be our seventh year together
i dont do 180s in life very often, maybe only three times to date but one now is long overdue
perhaps 2500 dollars later ill be typing to all of you from the northwest somewhere, i yearn for oregon or washington
i hate measuring my destiny in dollars
i hate bush.
i feel so ripped off and disadvantaged
all those perfect, bright people dying for his lack of insight
i know a wife who is in iraq now. she is younger than me, but i dont know the age
if she dies there, i will die a little too
sorry ravens-, ill type a poem next time, or the time after. i put off things, but i do come through.
gotta play halo online as "VOTE KERRY" to piss off bush supporting players and get banned from rooms due to fascism
online gaming is a great way to protest, you can shout at your detractors and frag them to oblivion.
anyone like Dead Like Me? i got all episodes on mpeg and i couldnt be more content with the escape it offers from the stupid shit that i shouldnt whine about. love to all, -D.
save save save
still so poor
minneapolis is in two weeks, can i make it?
i think 150 for gas and etc will suffice.
just blast up there and hibernate in friends apartment for two days living off caffiene and ps2 rpgs
happy fucking birthday to me
i feel so forlorn and abandoned
the gf's become deadweight, a mere source of income to help each other pay cost of living
i look back and notice i havent shared or felt true love for almost a year now
her and i used to be really close to pure, five years at that!
jan 17 will be our seventh year together
i dont do 180s in life very often, maybe only three times to date but one now is long overdue
perhaps 2500 dollars later ill be typing to all of you from the northwest somewhere, i yearn for oregon or washington
i hate measuring my destiny in dollars
i hate bush.
i feel so ripped off and disadvantaged
all those perfect, bright people dying for his lack of insight
i know a wife who is in iraq now. she is younger than me, but i dont know the age
if she dies there, i will die a little too
sorry ravens-, ill type a poem next time, or the time after. i put off things, but i do come through.
gotta play halo online as "VOTE KERRY" to piss off bush supporting players and get banned from rooms due to fascism
online gaming is a great way to protest, you can shout at your detractors and frag them to oblivion.
anyone like Dead Like Me? i got all episodes on mpeg and i couldnt be more content with the escape it offers from the stupid shit that i shouldnt whine about. love to all, -D.
Hey... Someone has a birthday coming up. 
