Well, summers finally dying and i'm excited for fall and winter. cooler weather for my outdoor work, my b-day (i plan to spend it in minneapolis) and gradual more time indoors so i can get around to playing all the stuff i bought throughout the summer. the gem i found this year is Panzer Dragoon Saga for sega saturn. so hard to find that ebay didn't have it and there it was, in a lincoln NE Gamers Store for 75 dollars. moving on from nerd-dom, i want to welcome any of the people who accepted my friend-list request on this web community and please feel free to write whatever and ask any questions you want. lately, ive been very meticulous with my profile in hopes of sending an accurate view of my interests. something to add for the end of this is that i will post poetry that i wrote a few years back. the material doesn't rhyme often, is generally 15 lines so it's easy on the eyes and attention spans and it's sometimes cryptic, finally, i will be adding dozens of pics from past events and current home antics. ill be on often along with my chat apps and i wish you all well. VOTE KERRY.....please?