So, quick blog because I'm almost falling asleep here! I worked this last 3 days in the Portuguese music festival Optimus Alive. It's one of the biggest here and I was hired to photograph the ambience of the festival by Optimus. That meant working from 2pm until about 4am this 3 days, photographing and editing so they could put it on they're facebook page. But... Read More
A few months ago I had the privilege of being hired to film and take photos of the making of the new album of a one of the most famous Portuguese artist called David Fonseca. He is launching 2 albums this year, one in March and the other in September. You can hear the first single here:
2 years or so.... but in my city there is no we usually do it on our own! and then i try to visit every gym in a country i travel to....
buuut during this winter i was lazy...i am starting again though
I've being missing from here because I've being sick. And when I say sick I REALLY mean sick. I was 6 days with high fever due to a pink eye that also made me a throat infection and I think some kind of flue also came aboard. It was very strange for me to be sick so many days, but... Read More
Ok, I know that most of you don't understand Portuguese, but I can't resist showing you this marvelous song from two wonderful portuguese singers. It's so simple and beautiful that I know you guys are going to like it!
I usually work with an online magazine called Magnetica Magazine and I suggested that the theme for this month would be tattoos (because of the tattoo festival) and they said yes. So go to Magnetica Magazine and check it out.
From page 60 to 65, there my pictures from the Tattoo Festival and the portrait of Americo Martins who is the owner of... Read More