Today's blog is about alcohol!
So, its' summer time in Portugal and lately it's been freaky hot. My solution for a hot day? Simple, a Brazilian beverage called Caipirinha!!
I'll give you my recipe, First of, get some lime, about 15 of them for every bottle of Cachaa. What is Cachaa, you ask? It's a Brazilian brandy distilled from sugar cane. The most common here in Portugal is this one:
Cut the lime in little dices, put them in a big bole. Now, and this is the most important step, put about 500g of brown sugar and crush the lime with the sugar so you get a sort of syrup (use a strong soup ladle to do it).
Then put the Cachaa, about 2 kg (or 4 pounds) of crushed ice and your done! Ideally, wait about 30 minutes so the ice can melt a little making the caipirinha milder (and add some more crushed ice so when you serve, it's really cold).Oh, by the way, the Cachaa has about 40 of alcohol! This is the final result:
One other beverage I really like but only drink some times, is a french mint liquor called Get 27:
I don't drink it a lot of times because it's not sold in Portugal, only in France and only when my french cousins come to take some vacations in Portugal is when I can get some. This time they also brought my a new version called Get 31:
This one as an even mor minty flavor! Just pour it strait into a glass with some ice and it's just great!!
Well, that's it for now! I have lots more to say, but no time to say it! Maybe later I'll wright another post about what I've been doing and some great work news also!
So, its' summer time in Portugal and lately it's been freaky hot. My solution for a hot day? Simple, a Brazilian beverage called Caipirinha!!
I'll give you my recipe, First of, get some lime, about 15 of them for every bottle of Cachaa. What is Cachaa, you ask? It's a Brazilian brandy distilled from sugar cane. The most common here in Portugal is this one:

Cut the lime in little dices, put them in a big bole. Now, and this is the most important step, put about 500g of brown sugar and crush the lime with the sugar so you get a sort of syrup (use a strong soup ladle to do it).
Then put the Cachaa, about 2 kg (or 4 pounds) of crushed ice and your done! Ideally, wait about 30 minutes so the ice can melt a little making the caipirinha milder (and add some more crushed ice so when you serve, it's really cold).Oh, by the way, the Cachaa has about 40 of alcohol! This is the final result:

One other beverage I really like but only drink some times, is a french mint liquor called Get 27:

I don't drink it a lot of times because it's not sold in Portugal, only in France and only when my french cousins come to take some vacations in Portugal is when I can get some. This time they also brought my a new version called Get 31:

This one as an even mor minty flavor! Just pour it strait into a glass with some ice and it's just great!!
Well, that's it for now! I have lots more to say, but no time to say it! Maybe later I'll wright another post about what I've been doing and some great work news also!
Discordia, tambm concordo contigo, uma bela Super Bock mini uma maravilha! Mas se quiseres apanhar uma bezana sem dares por ela, vais ter que provar a minha caipirinha