It's been a little while since I blogged. On the running front, I ran a 10 miler last weekend. I'm not all the way back in shape, but no shin splints and no serious tendon problems. My time was about what I expected so I'm happy. I'm also starting to do more work on the stairmaster to get ready for the annual Columbia Tower climb...
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Well, my shin splints are healing up well, but not as fast as I had hoped. I began running again last week, but I'm taking it easy. I could probably struggle through 8 miles, but then I wouldn't be able to walk right for a week again. I am keeping my eye on the bigger picture and opting to heal well, so I'm not racing...
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Hey all. I'm recovering quickly from my shin splints. I hope to run an 8M on U.S. Labor Day. Still not sure if I'll be recovered. Work tommorrow then it's off to Chicago for a couple of days. Should be fun and hopefully I'll be healed enough to do a short run there. Hopefully I will finally have some pictures to post. Cheers.
Hey, Hope your healing is going well and good luck on Monday.
Two weeks 'til THe Disney Half.
Two weeks 'til THe Disney Half.
Sweet. Now that I have a couple of friend someone might actually read my blog. If only I had something to say...
You know, if you describe any ultramarathon as "short", people are going to think that you're crazy. Except for other ultrarunners, that is.
I look forward to reading about your training.
I look forward to reading about your training.
so, plan b was my world famous fried chicken, me in my jammies, and hanging out singing pat benetar to bratzilla instead.