Member Since 2018

i think you are a beautiful person, FFFFFFFF.   you and i are very similar, but i'm literally old enough to be your grandfather.  sometimes the struggle against depression never ends, but your focus on other people i think may be the ongoing "solution" to your depression.  i'm doing the very same thing in my life.  change never ends.  thx for sharing your thoughts.  :)
@seattlejeff1945 thank you for the kind words and i see a lot of truth in your words. I feel something that is evident about anxiety and/or depression. That is it never truly ends. It is something the world births unto us, it feels. I accept i will battle this for the rest of my life. However the difference is i realize that in itself, i accept it and i have conquered it before and will again. No matter the storm and the strength of it, there is life and new beginnings afterwards. Such is life i feel. It bears no difference in my opinion. I am more than happy to share my thoughts. I know mental health should be equally as important if not more than physical at times. We have to be here for one another. Maybe just maybe, my words could snap someone out of their moment when they are down and out. Just trying to do my part as fellow man.
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