Hey all you lovely followers! So, I don't get on the site as often as I should. I just recently found out that IG doesn't share my posts to my page anymore which is a real bummer. I'll try to be more active on the site, and I'm working on shooting again soon!
So life stuff has been CRAZY this year. I bought a house, bought a new car, worked through and still am working through, a whole pandemic. Working on helping my boyfriend get into a doctor to help his chronic illness. Got a new cat. Lots of shit.
So yea, sorry I haven't been here ya'll.
My IG is linked in my profile still so you can go check out any posts you may have missed, and guess what, I now have an ONLYFANS! I'm pretty excited to mess around with this and cater to my audience in new ways that other sites don't allow. So yea, my link for my OnlyFans is in my profile here and on my IG, so you should go check that out.
Thanks for everyones continuous support, sorry I haven't been here more, but here's to the future!
<3, Feydria