Freeday at the Portland Art Museum. My son and I spent 3 hours in there. I am exausted. Time fo r tai food. biggrin
Hey, you. I miss you!
Tim says he just saw you up in P-land.
Hope you are doing well.
I miss me to.
3am Yesterday...
#init 5

"OK turn it off, reseat the disk in slot 6"
"But its already off no lights or anything"

I am sittin on my bed vpned into beaverton copying the contents of a dying disk to a spare disk. The servers was built 5-6 years ago and the apps werent brokent so they never upgraded it. Now they are moving to hong...
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I started filling out the Golden Spiral Sex parts paintings. There are still 3 other paintings in this series that I need to photograph crop down and put them up. Tomorrow I will put up the mandible series, and mebby the instant bacon/lycantropy set.
This is a fucking ZOMBIE!

About 3 years ago a I purchased this account for my ???? so she could check out a freind of hers pics.For some reason we could not get them to change the email address that it went to so I am stuck with all of this and nothing (a room full of your trash).

I reclaimed the account and started...
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And if you are the soul who used to occupy this body i am sorry as well. FWIW your editing is concumate.
my great-grandfathers family came from Devil's Nest, Nebraska. they were bootleggers. they had seven sons. all of them were handsome and each of them had a criminal record:
1. stabbing
2. tavern brawl
3. car theft
4. manslaughter
5. attempted bank robbery
6. horse theft
7. gambling

my great-grandmother was born in oklahoma, and they gave her the last name of the richest family in...
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i don't know why i was thinking about that today, oh, now i remember, i want to learn how to distill alcohol

i've been experimenting with infusions of herbs in vodka, herbs that increase your heartrate, herbs that relax you, herbs that do things to your body or mind, a kind of herbal speedball i guess. but it would be so much more pure if it was distilled. i think i could make something unfuckingbeleivably potent and delicious. i think i'm the one to do it. i live with a mad scientist and he could help me.
and why was i thinking about that? oh yeah, cuz i was going to blab about how last night i was drinking one of my concoctions that makes me sleep, laying in bed and reading thid book, the sound and the fury, by william faulkner that i have been reading forever because i'm so stupidly busy all the time and i'm almost finished so i couldn't put it down and i could barely keep just one eye open to read, and, and (INSERT CLIMAX HERE) i woke up with my cheek glued to the book.

ah, yes, drool, quimper and i wer talking about drool.

i only drool when i am sleeping and i only drool on people i love.
i even had to take a drag on a cigarette afterwards, it was that good.

the sun is drugging me, i'm not used to this shit, jesus surreal i can't see straight, and i start running into things, and mumbling and sucking my thumb...time to fly north
last night i watched this erotic film called Secretary, it is very arousing, i highly recommend it. another favorite of mine in Romance which has real live fucking, yet is nothing one bit like pornography, and everything like voyeurism. eeek

back to work, ugh.
i also like to bury nuts.
hey girlie girlie... how's your day goin'?
it was nice to talk to you today... i am sorry you are so behind... you'll catch up i am sure of it... you are a rock star...
i go insane with desire at the sight of sunflower seeds molded into the shape of a bell

just thought you should know
oh thank you!!! you are too kind... now i feel the need to frolic around and get into some mischief!!!!
em and i are in the pacific lab right now - lookin at porn- ya thats right- this is what my colledge dollars are paying for!!!!!