Okay, dig it:
After several months living in one of the lower, more dolorous circles of Dante's Hell, I am emerging just like a beautiful butterfly from a cocoon...maybe make that a heavily-drugged butterfly emerging under psychiatric supervision... But, never the less, I thought I should post a wee little update, as I haven't for such a long time now, and I'm sure all you lovely friends are just aching for it. Right? Hello? Anybody?
I am a person of the North. Scandihoovian and all that jazz. I love winter: wind, snow, ice, advent, fur hats, hot cocoa, the whole bit. And I would like to point out that it has not snowed seriously here in the Norseland of good ol' Mpls yet and it is December. December. Some of us are getting antsy. Plus, it's my birthday v. v. soon and it would suck major nob to have a brown birthday. I have taken to wearing my Russian fur cap indoors to spite the weather. (yeah. it's sexy.) Perhaps I should do a dance to coax some flurries?
The good news is that I have finally left that shite school (hurrah) in Shitesville, Indiana. However, I am seriously broke and getting worried about how I will afford SG through the cold, cold winter months. (Food or nikked girls? Food or nikked girls? What a silly question.)
I should run now, but I promise to catch up on the goings-on of late and drop a line to my site lovelies!
p.s. For any poetry people I am not working currently...dry spell of the most dramatic sort. Il faut d'abord durer.
After several months living in one of the lower, more dolorous circles of Dante's Hell, I am emerging just like a beautiful butterfly from a cocoon...maybe make that a heavily-drugged butterfly emerging under psychiatric supervision... But, never the less, I thought I should post a wee little update, as I haven't for such a long time now, and I'm sure all you lovely friends are just aching for it. Right? Hello? Anybody?

I am a person of the North. Scandihoovian and all that jazz. I love winter: wind, snow, ice, advent, fur hats, hot cocoa, the whole bit. And I would like to point out that it has not snowed seriously here in the Norseland of good ol' Mpls yet and it is December. December. Some of us are getting antsy. Plus, it's my birthday v. v. soon and it would suck major nob to have a brown birthday. I have taken to wearing my Russian fur cap indoors to spite the weather. (yeah. it's sexy.) Perhaps I should do a dance to coax some flurries?
The good news is that I have finally left that shite school (hurrah) in Shitesville, Indiana. However, I am seriously broke and getting worried about how I will afford SG through the cold, cold winter months. (Food or nikked girls? Food or nikked girls? What a silly question.)
I should run now, but I promise to catch up on the goings-on of late and drop a line to my site lovelies!
p.s. For any poetry people I am not working currently...dry spell of the most dramatic sort. Il faut d'abord durer.
Do a fur hat dance! And definitely choose the nekkid girls.