As if the stuff on the side isn't enough, here's ALL the layers, like an onion cake.
-- Name: Bryce Kresge, the baddest mothafucka on tha planet
-- Birthplace: Grand Junction, Colorado
-- Gender: M
-- Eye Color: Blue
-- Hair Color: Dirty Blond
-- Height: 5'10"
-- Righty or Lefty: righty
-- Zodiac Sign: Virgo
-- Your heritage: English,Swedish, and a bit of Italian I believe
-- The shoes you wore today: Beat to fuck low top Chuck Taylors
-- Your fears: Being drugged
-- Your perfect meal: Sushi off of a naked lovers body
-- Goal you'd like to achieve: The winning one.
-- Your thoughts first waking up: Where the fuck am I/That dream was incredibly odd, I want it to continue
-- Your best physical feature: My beer gut
-- Your bedtime: 6-7am
-- Your most missed memory: I can't remember. That's why I miss it.
-- Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi, unless the Coke is vanilla
-- McDonald's or Burger King: Neither, the last time I ate Burger King I was incredibly dissapointed.
-- Single or group dates: Single.
-- Adidas or Nike: Adidas, the Run-DMC kind.
-- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Lipton, I guess. What the hell question is that.
-- Chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla
-- Cappuccino or coffee: Cappuccino, yes I'm an art fag.
-- Smoke: Cigars on occasion
-- Cuss: Like a fuckin sailor
-- Sing: Yell.
-- Take a shower: Yes.
-- Have a crush: Orange
-- Do you think you've been in love: Yes.
-- Want to go to college: I don't want to pay.
-- Liked high school: In retrospect.
-- Want to get married: Marriage is only a certificate. It doesn't prove devotion.
-- Get motion sickness: Nope.
-- Think you're attractive: Apparently.
-- Think you're a health freak: I'd liek to be healthier, but I'm far from a freak.
-- Get along with your parent(s): In 6-8 hour doses, yes.
-- Like thunderstorms: Yes yes yes
-- Play an instrument: Apparently.
In the past month...
-- Drank alcohol: I'm polishing off the day with a tall, cool Budweiser right now.
-- Smoked: Yes
-- Done a drug: Nope.
-- Had Sex: Oh snap.
-- Made Out: My lip is sore.
-- Gone on a date: Not really, no.
-- Gone to the mall?: What the fuck kind of business is that of yours?
-- Eaten an entire box of Oreos: No.
-- Eaten sushi: I fucking wish.
-- Been on stage: At a concert, yes.
-- Been dumped: No.
-- Made homemade cookies: I'm not sure I've ever done that.
-- Gone skinny dipping: I've wanted to.
-- Dyed your hair: I don't think that was a month ago.
-- Stolen anything: Not in the last month, but I wonder if Fred Meyer still has that picture of me from 4 years ago.
In a guy/girl...
-- Best eye color?: It doesn't realyl matter.
-- Best hair color?: Black.
-- Short or long hair?: Medium length.
-- Height: Short.
-- Best weight: FATASFUCK
-- Best articles of clothing: Pants
-- Number of drugs taken illegally: 3, if you count underage drinking.
-- Number of piercings: 5
-- Number of tattoos: 1, and I feel incredibly inadequate because of this.
-- Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper:Twice, I think.
-- Number of scars on my body: No fucking clue. over 15.
-- Number of things in my past that I regret: You can't learn from much but your mistakes. Therefore, no regrets.
-- Name: Bryce Kresge, the baddest mothafucka on tha planet
-- Birthplace: Grand Junction, Colorado
-- Gender: M
-- Eye Color: Blue
-- Hair Color: Dirty Blond
-- Height: 5'10"
-- Righty or Lefty: righty
-- Zodiac Sign: Virgo
-- Your heritage: English,Swedish, and a bit of Italian I believe
-- The shoes you wore today: Beat to fuck low top Chuck Taylors
-- Your fears: Being drugged
-- Your perfect meal: Sushi off of a naked lovers body
-- Goal you'd like to achieve: The winning one.
-- Your thoughts first waking up: Where the fuck am I/That dream was incredibly odd, I want it to continue
-- Your best physical feature: My beer gut
-- Your bedtime: 6-7am
-- Your most missed memory: I can't remember. That's why I miss it.
-- Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi, unless the Coke is vanilla
-- McDonald's or Burger King: Neither, the last time I ate Burger King I was incredibly dissapointed.
-- Single or group dates: Single.
-- Adidas or Nike: Adidas, the Run-DMC kind.
-- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Lipton, I guess. What the hell question is that.
-- Chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla
-- Cappuccino or coffee: Cappuccino, yes I'm an art fag.
-- Smoke: Cigars on occasion
-- Cuss: Like a fuckin sailor
-- Sing: Yell.
-- Take a shower: Yes.
-- Have a crush: Orange
-- Do you think you've been in love: Yes.
-- Want to go to college: I don't want to pay.
-- Liked high school: In retrospect.
-- Want to get married: Marriage is only a certificate. It doesn't prove devotion.
-- Get motion sickness: Nope.
-- Think you're attractive: Apparently.
-- Think you're a health freak: I'd liek to be healthier, but I'm far from a freak.
-- Get along with your parent(s): In 6-8 hour doses, yes.
-- Like thunderstorms: Yes yes yes
-- Play an instrument: Apparently.
In the past month...
-- Drank alcohol: I'm polishing off the day with a tall, cool Budweiser right now.
-- Smoked: Yes
-- Done a drug: Nope.
-- Had Sex: Oh snap.
-- Made Out: My lip is sore.
-- Gone on a date: Not really, no.
-- Gone to the mall?: What the fuck kind of business is that of yours?
-- Eaten an entire box of Oreos: No.
-- Eaten sushi: I fucking wish.
-- Been on stage: At a concert, yes.
-- Been dumped: No.
-- Made homemade cookies: I'm not sure I've ever done that.
-- Gone skinny dipping: I've wanted to.
-- Dyed your hair: I don't think that was a month ago.
-- Stolen anything: Not in the last month, but I wonder if Fred Meyer still has that picture of me from 4 years ago.
In a guy/girl...
-- Best eye color?: It doesn't realyl matter.
-- Best hair color?: Black.
-- Short or long hair?: Medium length.
-- Height: Short.
-- Best weight: FATASFUCK
-- Best articles of clothing: Pants
-- Number of drugs taken illegally: 3, if you count underage drinking.
-- Number of piercings: 5
-- Number of tattoos: 1, and I feel incredibly inadequate because of this.
-- Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper:Twice, I think.
-- Number of scars on my body: No fucking clue. over 15.
-- Number of things in my past that I regret: You can't learn from much but your mistakes. Therefore, no regrets.
-- Person you better be nice to otherwise epithet will kill you: Mia