I really love the homework @missy and @rambo assigned for this week! "What do you want to accomplish in the next year?" This is a blog that hits very close to my heart.
Personally, I am constantly setting goals for myself and trying to further myself as a person and with my career.
In the next year my goals have a lot to do to with pushing myself in my career in coffee. For years now I've dreamt of competing in the SCAA Barista Championships/ Brewers Cup, but, I don't like to dive right into things, I like to prepare and prove myself not only to others but myself as well. I would like to FINALLY join the Barista Guild of America. Then I look to take some classes to complete my level 1 certification through the SCAA, this will give my opportunities through the SCAA as well as a better chance at jobs and a higher pay. When it comes close to being competition season I want to start preparing myself for competition, at the shop I work at many people want to compete so it will lead to having an in house competition to see who will be sent out to compete and I want to be extra prepared.
Coffeeeeeeee pictures yay!
I would also like to compete in some more competitions like coffee fest, which is a huge latte art competition, and put together and compete in some more local latte art throw downs.
Here's some pictures of when I won my first latte art competition and some other fun latte art things! It's my jam!
Another goal involving coffee is to move up in the company I work for to bring forth my ideas and changes for the company. To be trainer and whole sale trainer/rep, this is my dream job.
I've actually as of yesterday already made way on this goal!!!! I was just promoted to store trainer for my location!!! :D :D I was feeling very unappreciated and stagnant with my job and I asked to sit down and talk with my manager and told him how I felt and what I wanted out of the company and where I wanted to see myself and it went incredibly well! He told my I am his strongest employee and that I kill it and he's been seeing me grow and how awesome I do and that he has been trying to get me on as trainer, but we've been understaffed, We just hired 2 new people so I'm moving up!!
After all is said and done another goal I have for the next year is to move to Portland. There is a largely growing coffee community out there and aside from it being absolutely perfect I think I could thrive in growing my career in Portland. I have an offer to help open a coffee program for a friend a long with so many dream shops I could work at!
Another part to my goals this year not involving coffee is to be more involved with SG!! I try my best to be on the site and learn it more when I'm not crazy busy! Since this is my first year with SG I want to be able to be involved in more events and such! Get to know the site better. My dream is to work the San Diego Comic-con and Hell city and such!! I love meeting the people in this site snd I can't wait to further myself with this community! I've fallen so in love with it.
Yay SG pictures! love all the ladies I've met so far!
Loving some time with @dutch @bitten @alissa @knox1021 <3!
Green tongues, Green hair ! @reed @alissa
Love my baby @yugen and my bebe @ailiqueen <3333
I'm excited for this year to come, the past few years have been tiring, but I've put my head down worked hard and now I'm confident enough to fight through what comes to me! I'm excited to work and achieve these goals and can't wait to see where I am in a year!!
What are your goals for the year?!