@missy @rambo and @lyxzen are asking us to talk about how Suicide Girls has changed our lives. I know I am super new here, but honestly in the past 4 or or so months since I have started on this site has already changed my life so much. Before SG I never really did much. I am super busy all the time and then would just sit at home. Most of you wouldn't know this, but I have some pretty awful social anxiety. I have a really hard time making new friends. But after joining SG and seeing how much of a welcoming environment it was I immediately felt so comfortable and fell in love. I have made more girlfriends and friends already than I EVER have.
For one, I would be no where with out @rambo and her guidance and encouragement with all of this. She is also the reason I met @alissa , she is the first person I met from SG and is my photographer as well. Alissa has been one of the most amazing and influential people I have ever met and has helped me so much through this whole thing. I'm also lucky enough to have gotten so close with her. I am lucky enough to call her one of my best friends. She encourages me to branch out and hang out with people and have a good time. She has helped me a lot with working on my anxiety just by being there and making me feel comfortable and like I belong. <33
Along with that I was introduced to so absolutely inspiring and amazing people recently. I love being around them, I honestly have such a good time. @ailiqueen @reed @dutch @bitten @yugen ! I love hanging out with the girls on this site and being a part of this community. I have a very big passion for community and making a difference with people and inspiring and creating love. Thats what sticks out a lot with me and SG between the members, the staff and all the SGs-the community- it is so exciting and fun.
This is like a whole new world to me and makes me excited for the future and what SG has in store. I appreciate everything that has been given to me with this experience, and I want everyone to know it never goes unnoticed. So, thank you everyone for being so wonderful and I can't wait to meet more people and experience all I can.