Home sick today, my head colds suck. My head just feels thick and it makes me feel stupid. One of those times where I just look at the screen and go "duhhhhh".
Excitement yesterday was the arrival of Burningman tickets..w00t! Since neither I nor the girl got to go last year, we saved up money at got tickets first day they were on sale. Definitely looking forward to getting back out onto the Playa again.
Had my second company Poly munch on Tuesday. I think its awesome that I work at a place cool enough to have multiple poly folks that are pretty open and out about things. It's always fun to start off the munches with figuring out who is whose partner and in what way. Those Poly folks...just wacky.
Excitement yesterday was the arrival of Burningman tickets..w00t! Since neither I nor the girl got to go last year, we saved up money at got tickets first day they were on sale. Definitely looking forward to getting back out onto the Playa again.
Had my second company Poly munch on Tuesday. I think its awesome that I work at a place cool enough to have multiple poly folks that are pretty open and out about things. It's always fun to start off the munches with figuring out who is whose partner and in what way. Those Poly folks...just wacky.