Long due update, sorry about that.
After Paris, we planned on going to Rennes but those plans were quickly changed due to outward circumstances. We did visit and sleep at the Mont St. Michel. And here's the tale of this adventure:
1. Parting Paris
After Paris, we planned on going to Rennes but those plans were quickly changed due to outward circumstances. We did visit and sleep at the Mont St. Michel. And here's the tale of this adventure:
1. Parting Paris
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I'm still not a huge fan of Paris. Like I said something about the city doesn't appeal to me. But anyway, we made our way into the Metro Anvers and changed lines towards Montparnasse at the Place de Clichy station.
Fucking. Crazy.
The wagons were mad crowded as it was a weekday and well, people do have to work and get to their work places. We somehow managed to get in and make it with enough time to the Gare, where we expected to meet our two companions. They weren't there. We hopped on board anyway. And then we saw them pass right by us running like mad, which was a good thing since they barely made the train!!
Trip was rather uneventful, we had sandwiches and water to munch on, and we got to Rennes without a lot of trouble. Then we found our way to the bus station which is located right beside the one for trains and we waited.
I'm still not a huge fan of Paris. Like I said something about the city doesn't appeal to me. But anyway, we made our way into the Metro Anvers and changed lines towards Montparnasse at the Place de Clichy station.
Fucking. Crazy.
The wagons were mad crowded as it was a weekday and well, people do have to work and get to their work places. We somehow managed to get in and make it with enough time to the Gare, where we expected to meet our two companions. They weren't there. We hopped on board anyway. And then we saw them pass right by us running like mad, which was a good thing since they barely made the train!!
Trip was rather uneventful, we had sandwiches and water to munch on, and we got to Rennes without a lot of trouble. Then we found our way to the bus station which is located right beside the one for trains and we waited.
2. The Marvel.
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
The Mont Saint Michel is one of my favorite places on Earth. And I've only been there twice. But I could return 5815 more and would still love it. It is truly a wonder.
But before you get all excited, there's not a whole lot to do, so if you're looking for wild nightlife, this is NOT the place to go. The architecture is amazing though and the sight of the rising tide surrounding the mount is something you won't forget.
We went straight to the hotel upon our arrival. It wasn't easy, moving a piece of luggage around in the busy street which is also tiny and paved with stones. But we got there.
That was the sight from my room.
The hotel was charming. Well worth the money, too. We didn't eat there though, the restaurant wasn't too exciting.
The Mont Saint Michel is one of my favorite places on Earth. And I've only been there twice. But I could return 5815 more and would still love it. It is truly a wonder.
But before you get all excited, there's not a whole lot to do, so if you're looking for wild nightlife, this is NOT the place to go. The architecture is amazing though and the sight of the rising tide surrounding the mount is something you won't forget.
We went straight to the hotel upon our arrival. It wasn't easy, moving a piece of luggage around in the busy street which is also tiny and paved with stones. But we got there.

That was the sight from my room.
The hotel was charming. Well worth the money, too. We didn't eat there though, the restaurant wasn't too exciting.
3. Food. Glorious food!
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After a quick bath we went for lunch, which was delayed because fuck, my travel mates are slow to make up their minds. In their defense, they did stop me from eating a 55 meal at the Mre Poulard's restaurant... although on second thought I'm not sure that's such a good defense.
Word of advice: When you travel with someone who knows their shit better than you do, PAY ATTENTION TO THEM or else you'll end up with a 8 bottle of purified water, like one of my friends did. We had a good laugh too. Oh and there were so many GI's visiting, apparetly they went there for the D-Day anniversary. Good stuff, except one of them kept bitching that they didn't have McDonald's. Moron.
After a quick bath we went for lunch, which was delayed because fuck, my travel mates are slow to make up their minds. In their defense, they did stop me from eating a 55 meal at the Mre Poulard's restaurant... although on second thought I'm not sure that's such a good defense.
Word of advice: When you travel with someone who knows their shit better than you do, PAY ATTENTION TO THEM or else you'll end up with a 8 bottle of purified water, like one of my friends did. We had a good laugh too. Oh and there were so many GI's visiting, apparetly they went there for the D-Day anniversary. Good stuff, except one of them kept bitching that they didn't have McDonald's. Moron.
4. The abbey.
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
The main attraction, so to speak, is the abbey. Which is, in a word, OLD. We did the whole tour and I provided comic relief after a while when I stupidly fell on some stairs because I tripped after a jump. I looked like an NFL player diving in the goal zone. I did save the camera but my elbow resented it. There was blood. Which made it awesome. I had to suffer the tale for days, but eventually got my revenge.
Being inside the Abbey you can see it's massive and you get a glimpse at life in a monastery, in fact we even got to see some religious people in there. But they're not very talkative. The view from up there is also fantastic. And it makes the rise of the tide that much more impressive in that you realize later on (if you stay to watch, that is) how fast it gets surrounded by water and practically becomes an island.
The main attraction, so to speak, is the abbey. Which is, in a word, OLD. We did the whole tour and I provided comic relief after a while when I stupidly fell on some stairs because I tripped after a jump. I looked like an NFL player diving in the goal zone. I did save the camera but my elbow resented it. There was blood. Which made it awesome. I had to suffer the tale for days, but eventually got my revenge.

Being inside the Abbey you can see it's massive and you get a glimpse at life in a monastery, in fact we even got to see some religious people in there. But they're not very talkative. The view from up there is also fantastic. And it makes the rise of the tide that much more impressive in that you realize later on (if you stay to watch, that is) how fast it gets surrounded by water and practically becomes an island.
5. Dinner and such
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
We realized after this that we were way late to visit the second spot we wanted to go to so we decided to just chill, take some pictures and do some shopping until it was time for dinner. I bought a shitload of biscuits from the Mre Poulard. Others bought souvenirs.
Finally we found a place to dine. And we got a good view of the bay, and of course, the tide. My friends didn't think it would happen because it looks so damn dry during the day but I knew better and so I told them to just sit and wait. Food came while we waited and by Gum, it was fucking good. And not terribly expensive.
After dinner we went for a walk around the city walls which allowed us to watch the sun set, appreciate the sea view and realize we're fucking lucky to live in this era because I can't begin to imagine how hard it must have been walking around this place at night without any light. Whoa dude.
We ended up at a place marked cemetery and realized there was absolutely fuck all to do. Which is a good thing since we had to leave early the next day. We completed the tour, took as many night pictures as we could and when we realized they wouldn't light up the abbey (which I think is stupid) went back to the hotel.
The next morning we were on our way.
We realized after this that we were way late to visit the second spot we wanted to go to so we decided to just chill, take some pictures and do some shopping until it was time for dinner. I bought a shitload of biscuits from the Mre Poulard. Others bought souvenirs.
Finally we found a place to dine. And we got a good view of the bay, and of course, the tide. My friends didn't think it would happen because it looks so damn dry during the day but I knew better and so I told them to just sit and wait. Food came while we waited and by Gum, it was fucking good. And not terribly expensive.
After dinner we went for a walk around the city walls which allowed us to watch the sun set, appreciate the sea view and realize we're fucking lucky to live in this era because I can't begin to imagine how hard it must have been walking around this place at night without any light. Whoa dude.
We ended up at a place marked cemetery and realized there was absolutely fuck all to do. Which is a good thing since we had to leave early the next day. We completed the tour, took as many night pictures as we could and when we realized they wouldn't light up the abbey (which I think is stupid) went back to the hotel.
The next morning we were on our way.
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The View. With a better camera
See that behind the house and the crow? Come nightfall, it's covered by water. It's impressive
Some pics of the exterior of the abbey, the walls, and so forth:
And the inside of the Abbey
This was the dining hall for the padres:
And some huge fucking chimneys where food was cooked for the travelers
This wheel was used to lift objects from below
The lot of us during the visit and during dinner
And some nighttime pics
The View. With a better camera

See that behind the house and the crow? Come nightfall, it's covered by water. It's impressive

Some pics of the exterior of the abbey, the walls, and so forth:

And the inside of the Abbey

This was the dining hall for the padres:

And some huge fucking chimneys where food was cooked for the travelers

This wheel was used to lift objects from below

The lot of us during the visit and during dinner

And some nighttime pics

That's it folks! See y'all sooner than the time before I hope. Next stop, Bordeaux!
Wow that place is beautiful, looks kind of like a fairytale to me, I love big drunken nights but I love going to places like that even more, I always think back to my time in Italy, one of the best times in my life. It kind of looks like a big dragon flying about the Mont Saint Michel.
Is that a lot of money? I dont know much about there money, how much is 55? What kind of food costs that much? What did you end up eating?
Sounds like it hurt, IM glad you didnt break something.
I would love to go to the Abbey, I love old cathedrals and religious sites.
What was the 2nd place you wanted to go to?
What did you get for dinner?
I love night photos.
I love the photos, it really makes me want to go to all of those places.