It is a time of turmoil and the Galactic Senate has determined I should be using the internet for serious purposes for a while. The evil PhD sends hordes after hordes of wild lectures, readings and projects and the Ferretpublic's last hope lies in the hands of a guy who's more interested in beating his friends at the word game in Facebook than reading volumes on income taxes and social security...
After that oh so SWesque introduction (if you don't know what SW means, you should sue your parents, the clinic and the doctor for not providing you with oxygen right after you were born) I shall tell you the following has been going on:
Epic inauguration. Amazing games. Boycotters refrain from talking trash, these games are for the athletes not the politicians, and so it has been. I don't want to have remind you of that image of the two athletes of Russia & Georgia holding each other with a smile even after their countries began yet another stupid armed conflict. Or the fact that Tibet is pretty damn far from Beijing and so the people who live there have absolutely nothing to do with the conflict and the fact that the "leader in exile" as some call the Dalai Lama expressly said he was in favor of the games for what they represent. Nor should anyone need be reminded that the hutongs that were destroyed to make place for the Bird's Nest or the Water Cube were populated by folks who got modern, more dignified places to live, and efficient means to travel such as roads and oh yes, the new subway. Instead of that let's just move on to something else. Such discussions end up in name calling. Besides you'd be very wrong to mix politics and sports. And to argue with me in the first place. So yeah.
By the way, I strongly suspect Michael Phelps is a mutant. Blood never lies
My cousin bought a present for her boyfriend. Turns out the guy is allergic to it. And so we got to keep it and take care of it for a few days. I wanted to steal it but he intends to keep it even if it kills him. And I mean literally here. I can't say I blame him. Damn cool gift even if all it does at this point is bounce and make noises.
In other news, my windshield is pretty beat up, it's amazing what two small pebbles will do to your car when projected at the right speed. No picture of it, but suffice to say it looks like some sort of wicked ninja Zorro left his mark on it. By two. Yay.
Not about to pass up the chance to post this one up:
Man do we love spoilers or what? Yeah they're awesome.
Also this week I expect to get the results of my French exam by email, so next week I'm going to collect my diploma, thankyouverymuchitwasgreatweshoulddothisagainkisskiss. Time to go out, I leave you with this:
You just may get the LOL of the Day Award for that pic!
cute puppy.....I'll steel him