I'm just sayin'... Think about it.

Here's something fun: Name 5 bands/songs/albums you have on your iPod, Zune (HAHAHA You actually bought that?!?!

There's probably a couple of other things but that's too local, so it wouldn't even be funny. An honorable mention? Sure, but before that, a little commercial break.
And now for the honorable mentions. If you say you don't know these two you're either too young to be on this site or a total fucking liar.
Add some turtles and you got the Ninja Rap... which I won't put in here because you'd get spoiled GO NINJA GO NINJA GO!
Try not to get this stuck in the back of your brain when girls have a fixation with it during all junior high and your (girl) cousins would play the fuckin' song all day long while taking care of you as a baby. They also made me listen to Quiet Riot. A lot.
I want to see those top 5 lists!