It seems there was a bit of a misunderstanding after my last entry, I was not depressed or anything, in fact, my dear Franpire mentioned something about lovebirds and she was kind of on the right track.
I like that song. If you haven't watched Amores Perros (Love's a Bitch, Amours Chiennes, for other languages, find out yourselves, dammit! ) stop reading this and rent it. Buy it. Do whatever it takes, just don't pass up on it.
This is what bliss looks like.
And these are The Birds. The big ones I bought for my mother, though I'm not sure she'll like them. The others, I intend to keep for myself. I'm pleased to say, Hades is no longer scared of me. The new one is, though. Still adjusting I suppose. OK here they are:
I should try women maybe?