And now I'm officially NOT. It's just football, so enjoy it.
On a whole different topic, looks like I was counting chicken... There will be a wall between the US and Mexico. It's not like some ignorant people think that we just want to send people over to your side of the border to get rid of the problem. The fact remains, people cross over the border illegally every day. They die trying. They become crippled trying. At best, they get thrown in jail for trying. But they do. and make it to the other side anyway. Does anybody really think after all the shit that people have to go through, a bloody wall's gonna stop them? You're right, it won't.
Je pense que je me rendrai pas en Finlande aprs tout. J'ai trop de doutes sur ce que a va donner, et puis l'amour commence mourir peu peu et c'est entirement grce toi. Au moins je peux dire que j'ai essay de toutes mes forces.
On a whole different topic, looks like I was counting chicken... There will be a wall between the US and Mexico. It's not like some ignorant people think that we just want to send people over to your side of the border to get rid of the problem. The fact remains, people cross over the border illegally every day. They die trying. They become crippled trying. At best, they get thrown in jail for trying. But they do. and make it to the other side anyway. Does anybody really think after all the shit that people have to go through, a bloody wall's gonna stop them? You're right, it won't.
Je pense que je me rendrai pas en Finlande aprs tout. J'ai trop de doutes sur ce que a va donner, et puis l'amour commence mourir peu peu et c'est entirement grce toi. Au moins je peux dire que j'ai essay de toutes mes forces.
El las puso a las dos en una de esas maletas estupidas que carga estilo Paris Hilton y se los llevo on the plane, estuvieron super tranquilos durmieron all the way...
Son una mierda con los animales... yo eh visto como bajan las csajas de perros como si fueran cualkier pedaso de basura... tambien me a tocado revibir caballos y no tienen la menor idea como tratarlos los asustan hacen que pavadas y despues uno termina pagando la cuenta veterinaria...
Espero que no nos violen estilo prision maana por los boletos... los castro me costaron 60 pesos cada uno y no pienso dejar que os hijos de puta se keden con esa plata....