Today at work while making crepes I got burned.. got burned nicely. I make crepes and we have a crepe iron that hasn't been working for 2 months.. so to prove it wasn't working I put the whole palm of my hand down upon that crepe iron (stupid I know.. but we do it all the time).. and to my great surprize it was working in full force. I now have first degree burns on the palm of my hand that stop me from putting any pressure on them.
So seeing as I've been wanting to quit this job for quite some time.. I decided that this was a sign from god himself. So I filled out my forms because of the injury and said "you know what mr. manager, this is my 2 weeks notice, thanks for the oppertunity (NOT!!)"
After this a great wave of satisfaction and joy came over me. I felt born again.. free. Your probally reading this thinking why the fuck would you be so over joyed to quit.. well folks you must understand first that this place robbed a year and half of my life. It saw me traine my managers that were getting paid a ton more then me. It saw me work 10 hour shifts with 10 minute breaks. So now I'm sure its all little easier to understand why it felt so damn good to quit. I picked a great time too cuz now they are screwed their 2 best crepe girls quit on the same day. Good luck you bastards.. bonne voyage
WOO HOO.. a cause for celebration.. and maybe trouble
So seeing as I've been wanting to quit this job for quite some time.. I decided that this was a sign from god himself. So I filled out my forms because of the injury and said "you know what mr. manager, this is my 2 weeks notice, thanks for the oppertunity (NOT!!)"

WOO HOO.. a cause for celebration.. and maybe trouble

I dont blame you for quiting. I probably would have quit also. I wish i had a job were i didnt have to wake up and say "Damn it!!! I have to go to work today. fuck!"
Even though i have a job, im always looking for a better one. One where i dont have to be so stressed. If you walked around my old jab and looked at everyones face, you would see a stressed look or no emotion at all. Not one person ever looked happy. Well.....the only time we laughed was when we made fun of each other on how bad we all looked.
good luck on finding an awesome job.
Hopefully, that'll turn around.....
Ironically, I've gotten burned at my job also, but it was from metal coming out of the deep freezer. But I must say, I totally admire you leaving your job--I'm in the same boat now and you've *totally* inspired me. I got a little riled up reading your post, like everyone should start a "leave your job" revolution.
Good luck on finding a new one, tho..... And I hope the hand heals quick for ya!