Crapy ass day.. rain, rain, rain; ice, ice, ice= fall, fall, fall. Besides sliding down the hill to get home and wiping out. I got home to recieve excellent news via email. Oryx the SG photographer in Toronto emailed me saying that she would love to do a shoot with me. Shes either making her way to Ottawa or I'm coming to Toronto during my reading week.. whatever happens first. I'm quite pleased that I'm getting such an awesome photographer.. check her out under the staff page shes done some awesome sets!! Woo Hoo.. so happy, I have so many idea's running through my head on what to make of the set
I'll keep you guys posted on should happen next. THeres nothing like getting up off you ass thinking boo hoo me.. to woo hoo for me!! However when i do come back down to reality I better start studying for anatomy cuz I realized today how so very far behind I've been getting
still looking for friends @ SG ?
me too ... would be nice to here from you ..