Today was a good day
I didn't have to use my AK
But if I'd found the fuckers that created Mac OSX and happened to have a stout piece of stick about my person there'd have been blood on the walls.
Oh the all singing all dancing all farting all belching cartooniness of it all... but hark what OS is that? Tis 9.2, eh? Installing the networked printer was a laugh, let me tell you 'where the fuck's the extensions supposed to go'. Still all arse over tit. At least they've stuck an on/off switch on the case.
So now I've got a G4 with dual processors, a gig of ram, about 60gb harddrive with a nice 19" monitor - and we're not in a sodding broadband area *bastid* how long is it gonna take me to fill this fucker with mp3s over dial up speeds?
And then I got paid and got a bundle of tax back and it was a good day...
And the new Half Man Half Biscuit CD made it even better
Still coffee free, too...
... something's gotta break
It'll probly be one of my harddrives, its been a bit poorly and I feel like I'm looking after a sick pet. It was my first, and has been with me all through uni , ah well it's not like I don't have others to play with but I feel a bit sentimental about hardware....
I didn't have to use my AK
But if I'd found the fuckers that created Mac OSX and happened to have a stout piece of stick about my person there'd have been blood on the walls.
Oh the all singing all dancing all farting all belching cartooniness of it all... but hark what OS is that? Tis 9.2, eh? Installing the networked printer was a laugh, let me tell you 'where the fuck's the extensions supposed to go'. Still all arse over tit. At least they've stuck an on/off switch on the case.
So now I've got a G4 with dual processors, a gig of ram, about 60gb harddrive with a nice 19" monitor - and we're not in a sodding broadband area *bastid* how long is it gonna take me to fill this fucker with mp3s over dial up speeds?
And then I got paid and got a bundle of tax back and it was a good day...
And the new Half Man Half Biscuit CD made it even better
Still coffee free, too...
... something's gotta break
It'll probly be one of my harddrives, its been a bit poorly and I feel like I'm looking after a sick pet. It was my first, and has been with me all through uni , ah well it's not like I don't have others to play with but I feel a bit sentimental about hardware....
Wasn't aware anyone had used it in a song before, cool. It's from part of the Poetic Edda. If its thrash night I'll have to rake out my old Bolthrower records and put my neck out headbanging.
Heavy Ballista...
Thats a good one.