Weather sucks in Chicago..i'm been planning to go out and ride my bike for the past two days but between the storms and the rain I couldn't.. I have been forced to stay home and drink coronas, watch NYPD Blue and work in my addiction to this site
I was able to post some crappy photos of my tats..the quality is not very good..i guess it is time to buy a digital camera, the cell phone camera is not that good.
while browsing the site I notice that girls from the United Kingdom have great boobies
it is incredible!!
(no offense Akasha and Hotgoddess, yours are amazing too)
anyway... some sexy mammas in Inglaterra..
I still super impress with the level of talent on this site (ShiCawgo), some people really need to start publishing books, magazines or something..
by the way i read tha Pamela Anderson published a book, it is her story..on how she made it? i just want to make clear that I do not find her that sexy,, too skinny, her boobs not very attractive..but i like is funny..
last night Maritza and I went to see a Play, Bodas de Sangre , Blood Wedding from Federico Garcia Lorca..i was very exciting to go a see a play on my native tongue, sadly it wasn't good, the actors were horrible, bastante frustrante y desilusionado
but i got to go to the Goodman Theater and they gave us for free Mexican Salsa..why? i do not have a fucking clue..
i just saw today Lennon's new set,,hot..
I just started to read this book, about the relationship of Salvador Dali and Federrico Garcia is very interesting, it also have cool photos of Dali when he was younger..well i have another couple of hours to kill, I hope the weather gets better..
well people be good and if you decide to be bad, please, please,please...invite me
I was able to post some crappy photos of my tats..the quality is not very good..i guess it is time to buy a digital camera, the cell phone camera is not that good.
while browsing the site I notice that girls from the United Kingdom have great boobies
anyway... some sexy mammas in Inglaterra..
I still super impress with the level of talent on this site (ShiCawgo), some people really need to start publishing books, magazines or something..
last night Maritza and I went to see a Play, Bodas de Sangre , Blood Wedding from Federico Garcia Lorca..i was very exciting to go a see a play on my native tongue, sadly it wasn't good, the actors were horrible, bastante frustrante y desilusionado
I just started to read this book, about the relationship of Salvador Dali and Federrico Garcia is very interesting, it also have cool photos of Dali when he was younger..well i have another couple of hours to kill, I hope the weather gets better..
well people be good and if you decide to be bad, please, please,please...invite me
we can do it baby
la mestiza es una pasta, como diramos aqu, la hacen unos panas de Chacaito para el mundo
Estamos hablando
As que te volviste adicto a SG!!! Si, provoca esta adiccin...
Bueno, te comento que a veces hay que tener cuidado con lo que uno pone, pero eso va ms para las chicas que para los chicos....
Respecto a si soy o no SG, de hecho estoy en proceso de serlo (se podra decir que lo soy, pero estoy escondidita, por eso estoy en rosita yo), debera serlo ya si el maldito correo no se demorara mes y medio en mandarme la puta caja con el cheque... en fin, correo de mierda, mi set est editado, la presentacin est escrita, todo, pero el puto correo me tiene de los pelos.
Ojo con esos argentinos que pegaste de amigos, el argentino puede ser muy copado pero es un tipo PELIGROSIIIISIIMOOOO!!!
REspecto a la gente de aca, como te decia, no te preocupes por lo que escribs, ac no te juzga ni loco nadie, si estamos todos medio chapas!!!
En fin, todavia no actualic mi diario, y tengo mil mensajes que responder... has sido el primero porque estaba en espaol, y tengo mucho sueo para hilvanar una frase en ingles.