Wao..this is soo different....the whole new layout...it looks cool...well my baby girl graduated
she was nervous and could not stop talking before the ceremony..of course she said everything was fine...teenagers are funny....anyway we were soo happy...a lot of my former students graduated too...it is very cool to see your students graduated, especially in my school...a 95% immigrant population,..a lot of our students are the first ones that graduate from high school..it still amazes me how some students are sooo loyal to their teachers...the kids that you have in your classes are connected with you (me) forever....even when i forget their names..i remember their faces...last night i saw some of my students from 11 years ago...it was nice..they bring their children, husbands, wifes...they want you to meet them...it is myy real payoff...it is a feeling of you did something special...and your reward is very simple and cool...you get to see them getting their diplomas
my papa died this morning.......today is the saddest day of my life
my papa died this morning.......today is the saddest day of my life