
Sheena love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love
she has like the best tattoos ever!
Wao..this is soo different....the whole new layout...it looks cool...well my baby girl graduated smile love she was nervous and could not stop talking before the ceremony..of course she said everything was fine...teenagers are funny....anyway we were soo happy...a lot of my former students graduated too...it is very cool to see your students graduated, especially in my school...a 95% immigrant population,..a lot of our students are the first...
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I am so sorry, Efrain. frown

I know it was sudden my friend. We've sent you a couple of notes. Let us know if there is anything we can do. XO.
This past week wasn't that bad.. Went one day to work to put summer school grades, i only had to fail one student whatever After that around 10 am we went for a couple of beers, soo by 1:00 i was in a cheering mood. biggrin

I went to Target..got a couple of things for the apartment.. it is amazing, that place is always soooo packed? (is...
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Actually, Laputa is the paradise floating in the clouds in the Anime movie by Miyazaki called Castle In The Sky. It is an excellent beautiful movie!
vacation rule !!! biggrin

so any plans for the weekend? you should go to Ozz Fest skull

besos y abrazos
kiss kiss kiss
just woke up from my afternoon nap tongue
today Maritza left to Puerto Rico very early frown so I was in Chicago traffic for a long time... mad
two more days and i will be done with my summer job..and i can relax for almost an entire month biggrin ..i'm planning on going back to the YMCA, reading, riding my bikecycle on the Lakeshore and obssess about this site...
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Aww.. sorry about missing your gal frown Hopefully she won't be gone for too long!

That's awesome there is a review in hustler.. i ll have to try to check that out!

hey there sweetie...i am feeling better bout stuff, thanx for caring smile but now i'm totally stressing with moving! lol we found a really cute lil apartment with a pool and everything...really hoping to get in there...keep your fingers crossed for me biggrin sounds like you have some nice days ahead of you for the month smile that's good...rest is really good for the soul wink take care smile kiss kiss
I really need to take care of myself again..i have become such a lazy bastard..i am paying a membership at the YMCA and i don't use the facilities.. i was hoping that during teh summer i will have more energy because i am working only 4 hours in the morning,, but nope, i still have no energy, i come home watch NYPD Blue surf the...
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Hey I was just watching "Punk'd" (:drools: ohhh Ashton) and they played a prank on Dave Navarro and Carmen Elektra... tongue I just thought your wife would like to see this very episode... hehehe wink

well .. going to bed... my day's over (11pm here) ... are you having a good day so far?
WOW!!!--otro Puertorro en el site, debemos de formar un grupo! tongue Mi mejor amigo--McG-- tambien es Puertorro y pana de Ayres. Debes de saludarlo.
Anyways, que cool, todos somos pisis tambien. Cuando tu cumples? Soy de Cupey pero naci en Santurce. Me mude a Filadelfia cuando tenia 9 aos pero mami me mandaba a quedarme con la familia todos los veranos. Y gracias a las diosas que lo hizo porque asi no se me olvido el Espaol y tuve mucho contacto con mi cultura bella.
So, switching over, I have to get that velvet revolver cd, all the songs I've heard are awesome. I love slash---he was the reason why I learned how to play guitar. I also love the Cure love
Hmmmmmm....se me olvido que mas me habias preguntado pero te voy a aadir a mis panas....ok? Me escribes y que la pases bien....hahahahah--hooray for leather in summer!--Que loquera...

[Edited on Aug 04, 2004 3:25PM]
so many boobies so little time. wink my weekend was OK, we ate it in our favorite cuban restaurant smile biggrin , later i went with some friends to something call the Taste of Licoln, my better half had to study whatever si i met some friends there. skull the Taste..is an outdoor festival on Lincoln avenue, it is ok, but it is also yuppie-trixie central,, but if you hace...
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hmmmm sangria LOVE IT ! biggrin

I'm feeling much better thankx... drank lots of water, but the weather seems not to help at all, still over 100F eeek

I'd go to ozz fest with you... judas priest rocks !! skull

kiss smile kiss
Weather sucks in Chicago..i'm been planning to go out and ride my bike for the past two days but between the storms and the rain I couldn't.. I have been forced to stay home and drink coronas, watch NYPD Blue and work in my addiction to this site wink EL SUICIDO LOCO

I was able to post some crappy photos of my tats..the quality is not very good..i guess...
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Con que quieres que te hablemos espaol biggrin

we can do it baby

la mestiza es una pasta, como diramos aqu, la hacen unos panas de Chacaito para el mundo biggrin

Estamos hablando

ooo aaa ooo aaa
Hola querido!
As que te volviste adicto a SG!!! Si, provoca esta adiccin...
Bueno, te comento que a veces hay que tener cuidado con lo que uno pone, pero eso va ms para las chicas que para los chicos....
Respecto a si soy o no SG, de hecho estoy en proceso de serlo (se podra decir que lo soy, pero estoy escondidita, por eso estoy en rosita yo), debera serlo ya si el maldito correo no se demorara mes y medio en mandarme la puta caja con el cheque... en fin, correo de mierda, mi set est editado, la presentacin est escrita, todo, pero el puto correo me tiene de los pelos.
Ojo con esos argentinos que pegaste de amigos, el argentino puede ser muy copado pero es un tipo PELIGROSIIIISIIMOOOO!!! tongue Asi que and con pie de plomo.
REspecto a la gente de aca, como te decia, no te preocupes por lo que escribs, ac no te juzga ni loco nadie, si estamos todos medio chapas!!!
En fin, todavia no actualic mi diario, y tengo mil mensajes que responder... has sido el primero porque estaba en espaol, y tengo mucho sueo para hilvanar una frase en ingles.
Besos kiss
I'm back in Chicago.. wink I had a lot of fun in Puerto Rico this weekend smile the convention was great people from all over came to the island..weather was great,,hot but not Sahara hot, or Sothern Spain hot..went to the beach..i swam for a while,,,water was incredibel not hot. not cold, just perfect..
went to a nice dinner with my family, went out for drinks to...
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Heya...thanks for the message blush
tomorrow..Puerto Rico just for the weekend yes!!! biggrin EL SUICIDO LOCO not only that, i am feeling a lot better biggrin the cold is under control.. wink
everyday I am more and more surprise on how talented some of the people are in this site wink so many good writers, photographers, painters musicians etc.. very impressive biggrin that in addition to all the beautiful women wink
solo deseo que todo el mundo tenga un...
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un hermoso fin de semana para yosted tambien ! kiss
I am not having any sucess fighting this cold, today was sooo hard to go to work..at least the kids I'm teaching this summer are very nice, that makes a big difference smile
anyway I am going to stay in tonight to see if I feel better and save some money ..we are blowing way too much money dinning out!! whatever I am looking foward to my...
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