Asked by @alnemeth435 😊
1. Do you like blue cheese? Yes, I love cheese 🤤
2. Coke or Pepsi? Coke
3. Do you own a gun? Nope
4. What flavor Kool-Aid? we don’t have Kool-Aid in Brazil
5. What do you think of hot dogs? I love it! You guys should google “cachorro quente brasileiro” to check it out, is very different haha
6. Favorite TV show? Of all time? Breaking Bad
7. Favorite Movie? Reservoir Dogs
8. What do you drink in the morning? Coffee 🖤
9. Can you do a push up? Yes, I need to do it but I hate it lol
10. Favorite jewelry? I’m not into jewelry
11. Favorite Hobbies? Books, music, Netflix and cheerleading
12. Do you have ADHD? No.
13. Do you wear glasses? I need to but I don’t like it 🙄
14. Favorite cartoon character? Scar
15. Three things I did today? Started my day with coffee, a good book and now I’m doing this 😋
17. Three things you drink regularly? Coffee, energy drinks and water
18. Current dislike? Loud fireworks (scares the dogs 😞)
19. Favorite place to go? Any quiet place by the nature
20. How did you bring in the New Year? ¯\_(๏̯͡๏)_/¯
21. Where would you like to go? Canada 🇨🇦
22. Name five people who will (hopefully) do this? Oh five? I hope only 2 is ok 😋 @tattedupdad and @radnath
23. Favorite color? Black🖤
24. Do you like sleeping on satin sheets? Yeah I guess
25. Can you whistle? Yep
26. What are you doing right now? Drinking coffee and doing this
27. Would you be a pirate? why not 😂
28. Favorite food? Churrasco!!!
29. Last thing that made you laugh? My drunk friends last night
30. Last time you received flowers? Oh in July, my friend Frances sent it after I broke up a looong relationship
31. Most recent injury? I felt doing cheerleading things, but it wasn’t serious
32. How many pets are in your house? In my house none, at my parents one: Kurt, my dog
33. Worst pain ever? when I broke my toe, by kicking the bed lol
34. Do you like to dance? I love to!!
35. Are your parents still alive? Yes 💕
36. Do you love your life? Mostly yep
37. Summer or Winter? Winter
38. How many grandchildren do you have? None.
39. Car or Van? Car
40. People Person? Yep 🤗