My favorite inspirational quote.
Asked by @alnemeth435 😊
1. Do you like blue cheese? Yes, I love cheese 🤤
2. Coke or Pepsi? Coke
3. Do you own a gun? Nope
4. What flavor Kool-Aid? we don’t have Kool-Aid in Brazil
5. What do you think of hot dogs? I love it! You guys should google “cachorro quente brasileiro” to check it out, is very different haha
6. Favorite...
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I’ve been thinking a lot about my New Year’s Resolutions, and this year I’ve changed a lot. 2018 was a crazy year, a lot happened (amazing and awful things), and everything that I want for 2019 is to keep the good energies, love myself more and be happy. In 2018 I learned a lot about myself, I meditated a lot, I thought a lot...
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Here in Rio Grande do Sul/BR we’re crazy about Churrasco! Churrasco it’s kinda like barbecue, but a little different, and that’s for sure my favorite recipe that no holiday would be complete without!
We love to make Churrasco in every occasion: at a bday party, at mother’s and father’s day, even at Christmas!
Our Churrasco has only rock salt as condiment, and tastes so
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