7th? october 2.48pm.

I feel so rough! This is like the first time in about 24 hours that I've felt strong enough to leave my bed..
I'm glad I can touche type because I can't look at the keyboard without it swimming.
I thought i'd been suffering with an ear infection the past couple of days but yesturday morning this thing just hit me, I've...
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I hope you feel better in time to go to the rave.

i got the photos from her last night, she gave me 3 of them, they seem to be pretty decent quality for what they are, I think they should work out pretty good. when you have time I would like you to take away that damn date and time thing for me.
01/10/2008 Wednesday 12.37am

It's the first of October..
October's one of my favorite months, for me it signals the begining of Autum the cold and winter is coming back after the stick hotness of summer.
I also love Halloween dispite it not being a big thing over here.

Normally my blog is to keep track of the highlights of my life leaving the nitty gritty...
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i'm hoping for dmu quite honestly, but i probably won't get on the course i wat because it's notoriously difficult to.
if i don't go uni, i'll be happy enough pottling along making undies anyway!
the course is contour design and is the only one in the world that does focus soley on lingerie design, hence why it's difficult to get onto. i'm just at college atm, doing art and design, but i would need distinction to get onto the uni course. i've pretty much given the idea up of going to uni, but oh well :]
22/09/08 Monday 1.26am

I'm sat here Drinking OJ and eating an apple turnover BOTH I claim to be one of my reccomended 5 a day lol.
It has apples in it.. I think confused Either way I could've had an ecclair XD

It's suprising how random the interweb can be.. I was playing Rainbow Six on Xbox live with a few random blokes from New Zealand....
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So I have a Photoshop question.

The biggest problem I'm having with that photo is that around the moms glasses I'm getting a strange pixel affect and on the inside of the glasses it is kind of washing out the moms skin a little bit and then a small issue that I'm having is that the sons eyes kind of bleed into his eye lid just a little bit. What would be the best tool to fix those issues?

Wednesday 17th September '08 03.28am

So went to the Dentist for the first time in 4 years.. mostly because of being at uni and general forgetfulness, he asked me if I was worried about anything or if I thought anything was wrong?
I told him that I was alittle worried about my gums because they sometimes bleed when I brush and that I sometimes wake...
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WoW!! Oh how I love it. I almost purchased the board game today.. by my bank balance wasn't looking too healthy. Next week is payday though! I just have to wait until then. *Twitch*.

My friend just had to get a gum shield. It's a popular dentist week.

Thank you for the kind words on my new profile pic smile

Ah! Well now.. I used to work for Perfect Pizza. One day we shall have a huge pizza making dual, and people shall travel from all over the world to see us. Or something..

I know.. I'm still pretty worked up over the whole ordeal. My Nana is slowly regaining her confidence but I don't think that she'll ever really be comfortable out and about again. The Police are having no joy with their investigations.. we're not holding out breath.

If only more people had a sense of chivalry!

Sorry I'm so late in replying to my set comments but..

Thank you so much for your lovely comment on my Member Review set 'Entrepreneur', Darling. I'm glad that you liked it!
It's greatly appreciated.

I'll answer the questions from your comment in my latest blog shortly Sweetness smile

13/09/08 Saturday 09.40pm

I'm huuungry, I had some take out with the gfs family earlier (we went chinese). her brother's in town he's great, a good 5 years older than me n beth but we get on really well n like alot of the same things.
Her gran is my adopted gran lol, because both of mine are dead and she's really cool.
Still was...
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Im glad there are more ZP fans out there, he is really something great

Enjoy your orange box, TF2 is addicting
Ah home made pizza is always nicer than take-out pizza in my opinion! How did it turn out?

Thank you for the picture you posted in a comment on my last blog. tongue It made me chuckle. Yes I chuckled.

08/09/2008 Monday 2.10am

To much more and I really would've ended up in hospital last night puke ha! nah I wasn't that bad but damn I felt it in the morning.. well afternoon, I somehow managed to get through a bottle and a half of cheap morrisons rum before going out and survived.. although saying that the photo's are pretty damning biggrin
I'm actually writting this...
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Thanks hunni! I have been exploring the site. Soo much to see. smile looking forward to shooting a set soon! xxx
I know that it was serious, but what I'm saying is that they are watching to much Sliders, they are not going to open up another dimension and I really don't think they will get enough power to destroy the earth, but they still should not be trying to do that, people should not even let them try to do it.

Yes but I have learning disabilities and with something that advanced I would find it really hard to find out all that stuff on my own, it would be overwhelming and I know for me to do good at it I would have to take a class where I could have some one show me how to do it.

02/09/08 Tuesday. 02.57pm

I'm downloading the silkroad client as we speek.. Last time I looked into it was way back two computers ago when my specs couldn't handle it.
So when I got a new comp I obviously starting WoWing it ><;; it's been a year and a half since I played WoW and now I feel recovered enough to dabble my feet in the...
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I don't know much about games so what do you do in Silk road?

What kind of web site is she making?

What is that show about?

I hope your trip is really fun and I hope your friend has a good birthday.

Well that sucks, sorry they didn't do with the game what people said they were going to do.

Thank you kindly for the Welcome Back, Sweetness smile

I love my VW to bits, it requires a lot of maintenance and burns a pretty big hole in my pocket, but it's a great vehicle. I couldn't bare to be without it.
If you want to surprise your Mrs with a VW at any time - let me know! There is a wonderful second hand VW yard and VW breakers I know, not too far from Birmingham.

I hope that you survived what should have been a great night of debauchery at Rock City.

Friday 29th aug 11.59pm

Ergh I've been so tired these past few days.. I think it's the heat. Seriously I've been sleeping on average for 16 hours a day whatever
I've been having a great time with Virgin (my net/tv/phone provider)
.. basically long story short, They overbilled me, admitted it and then said that I owe them 120 so they sent the bailiffs.. Who agreed...
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damn it sounds like Virgin sucks, I'm glad I have never had them.

why on earth was his name so long?

I don't think I ever even eat McDonalds 2 times a year, I don't really like that place. I really need to get my ass back in the gym, I use to go like 5 days a week for many years.

That is a pretty funny photo.

I don't really know much about video games.

I hope you can find that song.

Wednesday 27/08/08 2.53pm

Today Is mine and Beths 4.5 year aniversary lol we only realised last night.
I wish I could sped today with her I really miss her at the moment.. <3

Beerfest was.. dissapointing Had great fun with Beth tho smile

I'm in a really bad mood. I can't think what happened this past week I'll do a propper update some other time.
7.08pm Wed 21st Aug '08

I realised that If I moved abroad I'd really miss our rain and gray skys.. A lot of people moan about it but I can't help but smile when I see pure gray outside the window, Odd no?
I went into town today to upgrade my account to a Graduate account.. last year they tried to reduce my overdraft from...
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