09/12/08 3.30pm

I'm coooold, need to find my fingerless mittens!

I've got this stuck in my head..

.. I like Lil Wayne.. kind of a guilty pleasure biggrin

yes that was the one i was wondering about for the sequins, but yes, just got purple undies for it instead. i actuallyonly got up at 2 o clock today, which is awful, and even then it was a phonecall that woke me. but since then i have given my dining room a ridiculously good clean.
i don't really know much from him.
03/12/08 6.30pm

So much has happened since the last update that it's crazy and I can't think of half of what I'd have to write so I'll keep it minum.

1) Birthday was great and the meal with friends was really nice.
2) I now own a Wombat.
3) If you can get hold of a copy of House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski...
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I love Calzones, I use to get them all the time.

Well it is only your birthday once a year, so I guess it is better to be sick from to much food then to much of other stuff.

I wish wombats made good pets, I would so get one.

I will have to look that book up one day.

Im not doing all that well, but what is new.

ahaha thanks, the next one is going to be even better, with me making a dirty floor look interesting :p
Tuesday 25th Nov 00:25

It's been a busy 7 days full of fun frustration and more than anything else the Cold.. It's bloody freezing!

Friday was alot of fun it was a friends house party and yet again I drank waay more than I should've but not to the point where I was ill.. justing feeling like death during work the next morning (I've got...
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Thanks for the photo, I will take a better look at it when I have more time.

It's also cold in KY, I think it was about 30F last night.

Well you got to get your crazy times in while you are young hehehehe.

I really can't remember the last time that I kissed a girl, it has been a very long time. Well were you thinking that you and the ex were going to get back together some day? Do you think that you and this new girl may have something?

It really sucks that so many have dropped out, but 5 is still a nice number of people to go to lunch with.

Well that sound fun, I hope you get to do that. I miss uni to, I always think about going back.

Sounds like a really cool idea for a tattoo, I hope you can get it done.

17/11/08 Monday. 10.35pm

It feels like only last night that I updated this confused
Any who, I'm feeling good, Hungry but good biggrin cant decide between Pizza (which ive already had some of today) or Spinach&recotta canaloni.. I'll decide after writting this.

I really need to do something Creative I have this urging.. Although when it comes to insperation I got this complete block.
I also want...
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well now that makes the most sense i've heard! thankyou for your words of wisdom biggrin
well it is going pretty good so far, last night I started working on it at like 1 30am and then looked at the clock and it was 10 tell 4. It is about 2 brothers who lost their mom 3 weeks before they graduate from high school and about them growing up, it is going to take place over a couple of years.

well that sounds pretty interesting.

13/11/2008 Thursday 8.55pm

I realised it's been nearly 2 weeks since updating and that makes me feel abit sloppy.

I've mostly been working these past two weeks I did the Midnight launch for WoW: Lich King, The midnight gears launch was brutal apparently with everyone hording the counter trying to get it first.
So when I did my first midnight I was supprised at how...
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Most of the time I go 2 weeks with out updating, but there really isn't much going on in my life so if I wait 2 weeks I have enough to write an OK journal.

Damn I think 90 people in 15 minutes is a lot of people, but I do know much about game shops.

I love Italian food, is it a pretty nice place?

I'm sure they will just be happy that you were there, I'm sure they know you would go out for your birthday, just let them know you are going out the night before.

You don't have Mountain Dew over there? I have about 15 of them in my house right now.

Egytian Mountain Dew? Does it have High Fructose Corn Syrup in it? I'm just curious. I never touch that stuff but state-side, it is in everything!

Things for me are okay. But money continues to be a problem. I just keep trying to work harder. FEH! But, I know now that it is the economy. Is pretty bad for everyone over here. : )
01/11 Saturday 06.56pm

I didn't do anything for Halloween frown I was to poor and to tired, rubbish!

I love working at a gamestation store the guys are great and it feels right being amongst all those games and I'm actually happy giving customers advice on stuff, But I'm worried working full times going to effect me working on my portfolio n stuff.. It's only 7pm...
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I didn't do anything for halloween either, I had to work, but we had some events on in store (I work in Waterstones) so that was ok.

Thanks a lot for the advice, I have not too long ago sent off the forms for possible extra money smile Fingers crossed!

I would love to work at Gamestation. I applied before I started working in Waterstones, but they paid more smile I'm swayed by the money I guess! Plus the guys were a little bit sexist. Meh, I'm sure they'd change their minds if I whipped their arses at Halo or something biggrin

Glad you got the new job and that you like it. I hope you are getting paid well. Keep looking for the graphics job, though. Seriously.

If you like working around games so much, you might consider learning Maya or 3DStudio Max so you can do art for games. You would probably rock at it! Besides, those guys make fine fine money. I have a friend in London that is making tons of money and he has worked in many parts of the world doing his job. Is kind of cool.
26th 10/08 6.37pm

So the clocks went back today which ment an extra hour in bed Woo!

I started at gamestation last friday, It's great fun! n most of the peeps there are great and after doing the maths on discount we figured out that I can get a Wii for under 100 so score!

On my way home from my first shift I held...
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An extra hour in bed that will be paid back next year...
I'd love to see your port when it's ready, I'm so curious about what other people do with their art.
20/10/08 Monday - 3.30pm

Well since my last blog things have been pretty much awesome!
Saying that I've been really busy and hardly been on here compaired to the days I can sit at a comp for with SG facebook and a few others open in the background.
Anywho where to start.

I ordered a new laptop! biggrin It should be here wednesday or thursday.. I...
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But how many years did you have your PC? I have never seen a 4 year old PC that worked all that well. How about you can't get viruses on a Mac, that is always nice.

Well there faster at processing video and photo stuff for one, it is easier to do graphic stuff on them since that really is who they gear there computers for and they look better while doing it and will not crash when you are doing something complicated to 3 or 4 photos or videos at one time. the friends that I have that are designers could give a whole list of reasons why they use Mac's, but since I'm not a designer I can't remember all that stuff. This is what I would say, if your going to play a lot of games then yes PC's are better, but if you going to do a lot of artistic stuff then Mac's are better, lets face it if pc could really do all the stuff just as good as a Mac most of the big design companies would go with a PC since you can get them cheaper, it would save them a lot of money.

I try to read everyone on my friend's lists journals, I miss one from time to time but most of the time I get them.

Right now I have a D70s but I hope next year to get a D700.

Well I really don't have a lot of money so I have to keep a computer for a long time, this was my first computer that was just mine, I hope it last for many years to come, but I also need to get another computer after my business is up and running.

Well a lot of my friend from school went into graphic design and most of them are now in that kind of work, so they do a lot of high end editing.

No I didn't hear that, I always use Safari, I don't remember the last time I used internet explorer.

Well most of the ones that live close have a boyfriend and like I said I'm a lot different in person, I have been at events where there was a girl there that I had been talking to for well over a year and I never even said hi to her.

16/10/08 2.38 am

I'm ill again frown

24 hours after finishing my antibiotics I've had a mini relapse.. It's no where near as bad as it was first time round but I'm going to have to go to the docters again to finish this bastard throat infection once and for all!
It's the fact that I'm always dizzy and off-balance because the throats connected to the...
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ok, thank you very much.
aye, well what with planning on being a lingerie designer, i figure i should get some practice runs in before i start making them properly! my mister loves the fact i'm confident enough to show my naked self on here biggrin
Friday 10/10/08 4.28pm

I'm feeling alot better.
Not back to 100% but a good 90 thanks to all the antibiotics! still havent eaten more than a banana in 4 days though.. I've realised I've gone down a trouser size when I put back on a pair of shorts that arn't elasticated. Not good.

Unfortunatly I had to miss the rave frown it was a shame because...
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well I'm in no hurry, you can take your time, I want them to look as good as possible, I probable will not be ready to print them for a good month or so, and if you see anything else that needs to be fixed let me know.

I'm glad you are feeling better.

I'm sorry you had to miss the rave, maybe another one will come around soon.

I really hope you get the job.

I'm sorry your psp is dead, I hope you can get another one soon.

I have not gotten to see south park in a long time.

I never understand why guys would trade in an amazing girl for some one not half as great.