Lifes going pretty well.
I love my friends.. Im about to get paid in sweets and beer to photoshop a friends face and Tom Hardy's face onto a pornographic picture.. haha awe brilliant. I'll post it when its done.. apparently if I do a good enough job she'll make skittles vodka for next time we go out. the life of a Photoshop pro eh?
Saying that she owes me.. I'm covered in mini fucking scratches from this deamon..

My friend and work finally got his band merch too, now rocking up one of thier amazing new tees, check out thier stuff if you're into your death/black metal.
The Projectionist

Went out last Sat, it's been a while because of the horrid tonsilitus and stuff so it was good to get out specially to see some of the guys that came out.

The redhead is bus girl.. Things are going well, but as you can see the guys tend to get a bit homo erotic during nights out and my nipples always ALWAYS get abused at somepoint.. I'll need to find a way to avoid this in future.
The next day we all hung out for a movie night and Dani (bus girl) cooked sunday toad in the hole.. was fucking luuuuush!

Works coming to a bit of a head, 3 people are garenteed to leave in the next week or so.. leaving only one full time stylist in the studio.. its going to be a complete house of cards effect.. even the studio manager who loved her job a few months ago is job hunting.
I've been working on my Folio stuff as well..
I need to get more done asap so I can start applying for jobs, theres a perfect Graduate level web design job going nearby, I'm tempted to apply with what I have done already just for the hell of it but I know theres not enough stuff yet to even get it glanced at. heres the fb page do me a favour and like it XD I love getting new likes.
Limitless Pixels Design: Facebook.
I love my friends.. Im about to get paid in sweets and beer to photoshop a friends face and Tom Hardy's face onto a pornographic picture.. haha awe brilliant. I'll post it when its done.. apparently if I do a good enough job she'll make skittles vodka for next time we go out. the life of a Photoshop pro eh?
Saying that she owes me.. I'm covered in mini fucking scratches from this deamon..

My friend and work finally got his band merch too, now rocking up one of thier amazing new tees, check out thier stuff if you're into your death/black metal.
The Projectionist

Went out last Sat, it's been a while because of the horrid tonsilitus and stuff so it was good to get out specially to see some of the guys that came out.

The redhead is bus girl.. Things are going well, but as you can see the guys tend to get a bit homo erotic during nights out and my nipples always ALWAYS get abused at somepoint.. I'll need to find a way to avoid this in future.
The next day we all hung out for a movie night and Dani (bus girl) cooked sunday toad in the hole.. was fucking luuuuush!

Works coming to a bit of a head, 3 people are garenteed to leave in the next week or so.. leaving only one full time stylist in the studio.. its going to be a complete house of cards effect.. even the studio manager who loved her job a few months ago is job hunting.
I've been working on my Folio stuff as well..
I need to get more done asap so I can start applying for jobs, theres a perfect Graduate level web design job going nearby, I'm tempted to apply with what I have done already just for the hell of it but I know theres not enough stuff yet to even get it glanced at. heres the fb page do me a favour and like it XD I love getting new likes.
Limitless Pixels Design: Facebook.
They're so cute right? They didn't taste great actually, but were too pretty not to buy 

Tom Hardy kinda came out of nowhere - dont remember him before Rock'n'Rolla - and definitely flavour of the month with a lot of my female friends. glad to see things are going well! go for that job - the worst they can do is say no(thing)!! doesnt matter that its graduate level, a lot of graduates dont know their arsehole from their elbow in whatever they 'read' at uni. i should know, im one of them