I've already had a good weekend and I've still got a bank holiday monday to go.. this is good.
After all the drama and ballache of the past week or so got completely wiped yesturday as I was able to let my hair down.
I went with a few guys to see the Avengers, brilliant film, Joss Whedon did well, I'm glad it was more firefly than it was angel.. I wont lie I had worries he might Micheal Bay it but no it was really good and didnt at all seem like a two and a half hour film!
we even hit the DDR machines whilst we waited
We had a bday meal for one of my close friends at work over in grantham it was at a really nice pub but another one of my work mates was giving me a lift there and picking up a couple of others on the way.. halfway there though he realises he needs to pick up petrol.. turns out theres no stations near by and we run out of petrol in the middle of no where, when the next girl we were supposed to pick up finally finds us with a jerry can, We had to push the bastard car out of the ditch because the petrol wouldn't feed into the engine.. safe to say he bought the first couple of drinks haha.

Then after the meal a few of us decided to head back to ptown and go out as I knew there were a load of people already out.. I'd already had a few drinks before getting to the club so I got very drunk very quickly..
There were so many people out that I hadn't seen in ages it was a very good night..
There's literally like a couple of hundred pictures from that night I'll have fun looking through later but heres a few that essentially summed up the night

it was much needed.. I feel a lot lighter.. Specially after my sister Ems and I had a heart to heart and spoke for a while, plus the girl who got clingy to fast started with the passive agressive facebook statuses and now is trying to make me jealous too soooo thats kind of wiped the slate as in I dont worry if shes ok now.. I guess she did me a favour lol.
anyway lifes already getting better, good times and tomorrow Im going round a friends we're going to geek it up and paint little models and order take out and it'll be fucking gangsta.
Peace. lol
After all the drama and ballache of the past week or so got completely wiped yesturday as I was able to let my hair down.
I went with a few guys to see the Avengers, brilliant film, Joss Whedon did well, I'm glad it was more firefly than it was angel.. I wont lie I had worries he might Micheal Bay it but no it was really good and didnt at all seem like a two and a half hour film!
we even hit the DDR machines whilst we waited

We had a bday meal for one of my close friends at work over in grantham it was at a really nice pub but another one of my work mates was giving me a lift there and picking up a couple of others on the way.. halfway there though he realises he needs to pick up petrol.. turns out theres no stations near by and we run out of petrol in the middle of no where, when the next girl we were supposed to pick up finally finds us with a jerry can, We had to push the bastard car out of the ditch because the petrol wouldn't feed into the engine.. safe to say he bought the first couple of drinks haha.

Then after the meal a few of us decided to head back to ptown and go out as I knew there were a load of people already out.. I'd already had a few drinks before getting to the club so I got very drunk very quickly..
There were so many people out that I hadn't seen in ages it was a very good night..
There's literally like a couple of hundred pictures from that night I'll have fun looking through later but heres a few that essentially summed up the night

it was much needed.. I feel a lot lighter.. Specially after my sister Ems and I had a heart to heart and spoke for a while, plus the girl who got clingy to fast started with the passive agressive facebook statuses and now is trying to make me jealous too soooo thats kind of wiped the slate as in I dont worry if shes ok now.. I guess she did me a favour lol.
anyway lifes already getting better, good times and tomorrow Im going round a friends we're going to geek it up and paint little models and order take out and it'll be fucking gangsta.
Peace. lol
Haha running out of gas is about the worst thing, I know how that is all to well.
Seeing old friends is almost always good.