Ergh, Some fucker's given me the plague.. my throat is grim my eyes feel puffy and I'm all bunged up..
I'm responding in the very untypical way for a guy and completely ignoring it.. Need to buy more cold&flu though.
Saying that I think it was from the date with the pretty girl on wednesday, She told me she was just fighting off the tail end of a cold.. A gentleman doesn't kiss and tell, but if it was her, totally worth it, if it was someone from work I'm going to moan all week for sure.
So yeah the date, it went well, Im pretty sure she enjoyed herself. I think I can unshamedly say she is the hottest girl I've hooked up with.. and probably the youngest lol its only a 3 year gap the same as me and my ex but reversed.. I can understand why she thought it was a bit odd to begin with now, still 3 years in the scale of things is nothing.
I was going to gym it later but this throat thing is too much and I dont want to contaminate the entire gym with my ickyness, so I'm going to wonder into town its a nice day for a ride and pick up some things I need like some more old spice
haha, it's such a guilty pleasure but hey if it's good enough for Bruce Campbell!!
Might treat myself to one of those creamy icey drinks from costa to help sooth the throat lol.
I'm responding in the very untypical way for a guy and completely ignoring it.. Need to buy more cold&flu though.
Saying that I think it was from the date with the pretty girl on wednesday, She told me she was just fighting off the tail end of a cold.. A gentleman doesn't kiss and tell, but if it was her, totally worth it, if it was someone from work I'm going to moan all week for sure.
So yeah the date, it went well, Im pretty sure she enjoyed herself. I think I can unshamedly say she is the hottest girl I've hooked up with.. and probably the youngest lol its only a 3 year gap the same as me and my ex but reversed.. I can understand why she thought it was a bit odd to begin with now, still 3 years in the scale of things is nothing.
I was going to gym it later but this throat thing is too much and I dont want to contaminate the entire gym with my ickyness, so I'm going to wonder into town its a nice day for a ride and pick up some things I need like some more old spice

Might treat myself to one of those creamy icey drinks from costa to help sooth the throat lol.
Forgot about Bruce Campbell and his Old Spice. It might be time to revisit that Campbell box set!