It's bank holiday monday.. I woke up at 2.10pm its been a looong looong weekend but a fucking fun one.
So it all starts off on Thursday night, after work we had a bit of a work do, the entire studio went for drinks and it was good, everyone let their hair down, we then followed up with nandos.. I fucking love nandos, seriously if I could afford it I would eat there daily!
Anyway after the epic feed that was nandoes we went back to the local drapers arms for a few more then when it hit half nine we went to go to the only club everyone could agree upon to go out to..
Turns out it was closed so everyone went home.. I'm not complaining I saved the money and I was already pretty drunk at this point, I was happy to go home tipsy with a full content stomach.
Friday, turns into another late one but for different reasons.
Starts the day by waking up and going to go get mc donalds to help the slight hangover I somehow developed. either I'm getting old or I drank more than I thought the night before.
Later on I head round my friend Stefans, as is the regular Friday tradition,. head to his with a few others play some D&D or video games and take turns paying for take out, today was his turn to pay so he picked the local chippy, they do the best burgers I've ever had so had my second massive burger of the day (yeah fuck you healthy diet).
We go well into the early hours trying out this new game Stefs picked up called Heroscape.

The closest thing I can compare it to would be Warhammer 40k.. accept in 40k you cant have Roman Centurians fighting Cyborg Gorillas fighting Iron man fighting orks and goblins..
It was fun.
So Saturday night was the big one, My friend Sams birthday, Long story short it was a very fun very messy night out that involved a lot of people I should hang out more with, I'll have to make the effort.. It was the first time I'd seen his wife out since they had thier kid as well so it was good to see her.
They started selling coors light at the club I love coors I think its probably my favorite beer.. anyway this lead to lots of Van Damme impressions and us waddling around the club like a man penguin after mating season.. if you dont know what I'm talking about heres a treat for you..
The whole series of ads are weird but amazing, the my story one where he lost his clothes to bears.. check it out... either way it was odd drinking beer from a metal bottle.
the night was summed up with my friends housemate showing up.. and this girl is stunning! and to put it into perspective I mean so hot every time I saw her that night a different hot guy was talking to her.. I'd seen her out once before but it was briefly and we never spoke, not even sure we were ever on the same side of the club lol.
So imagine my surprise when my friend comes up to me asking if I'd got her text (I hadnt the clubs loud and I was drunk) she said she wanted to know if I was out because her housemate really fancied me..
I Instantly thought she ment her other housemate who I dont know, it takes me a minute to be like.. hang on isn't she married or engaged.. to which she replied "no not her!! you know the one with incredibly big eyes.. over there at the bar".. *MIND BLOWN*
I was geniuenly flabbergasted, that what was easily the best looking girl in the club who was pretty much surrounded by very good looking guys talking to her was apparently interested in me.. *CUE SOCIAL AWKWARDNESS*
So the night carries on a bit, my mind trying to figure out how I can start a convo with this girl, I've never done badly with girls but this is different I'm not the type to just randomly talk to a girl I dont know.. or anyone I dont know for that matter unless in a small social enviroment like a friends house.
This must be half an hour later we're all on the edge of the dancefloor, me, her, our friend and a few more mutual friends, we're all dancing and we've exchanged a few looks which have mostly been cut short by me feeling awkward as sin.
Then this guy leans over the railguard and tuggs on her sholder trying to get her attention, I found out later this wasnt the first time he'd tried it on with her, she turns round and tells him she's with friends trying to enjoy a dance and turns back around the guy grabs her again at which point her flatmate my friend whos birthday it was and myself step forward the guy realises he's pushed things a bit and stands there looking sullen.
It's at this point she looks at me and without saying anything I put my hand out she takes it and I walk her further into the packed dancefloor, she looks releived, but because it was so crowded we were forced to dance so close to each other it was pretty much grinding..l after what must've been 6-7 seconds but felt like eternity she looks up at me and smiles, I dont know what I was thinking but it must've summed up to "Fuck it" and having not said a single word to this girl so far, I leant in and kissed her.. BOOM.
Then after a while we all went outside for some fresh air and we ended up sitting there chatting for half an hour and spent the rest of the night talking/dancing/drinking untill we walked her and her housemate to the taxi ranks.. She even asked me for my number, it hadn't occured to me to ask for hers I was still shell shocked over the fact all of this was happening ha.
So yeah spent sunday hungover and texting this girl.. we might meet up during the week, I'm struggling a bit though it's been a month since my brake up, I feel like I maybe should leave more time before I start seeing people out of respect but at the same time why? I doubt im ever going to talk to her again and I dont know.. I'm trying to not over think things like I always do..
Someone needs to write a modern day dating etiquette for this kind of shit.. I'm a web designer give me some rules I know will work haha.
Hope you guys are having a good time this easter.
So it all starts off on Thursday night, after work we had a bit of a work do, the entire studio went for drinks and it was good, everyone let their hair down, we then followed up with nandos.. I fucking love nandos, seriously if I could afford it I would eat there daily!
Anyway after the epic feed that was nandoes we went back to the local drapers arms for a few more then when it hit half nine we went to go to the only club everyone could agree upon to go out to..
Turns out it was closed so everyone went home.. I'm not complaining I saved the money and I was already pretty drunk at this point, I was happy to go home tipsy with a full content stomach.
Friday, turns into another late one but for different reasons.
Starts the day by waking up and going to go get mc donalds to help the slight hangover I somehow developed. either I'm getting old or I drank more than I thought the night before.
Later on I head round my friend Stefans, as is the regular Friday tradition,. head to his with a few others play some D&D or video games and take turns paying for take out, today was his turn to pay so he picked the local chippy, they do the best burgers I've ever had so had my second massive burger of the day (yeah fuck you healthy diet).
We go well into the early hours trying out this new game Stefs picked up called Heroscape.

The closest thing I can compare it to would be Warhammer 40k.. accept in 40k you cant have Roman Centurians fighting Cyborg Gorillas fighting Iron man fighting orks and goblins..
It was fun.
So Saturday night was the big one, My friend Sams birthday, Long story short it was a very fun very messy night out that involved a lot of people I should hang out more with, I'll have to make the effort.. It was the first time I'd seen his wife out since they had thier kid as well so it was good to see her.
They started selling coors light at the club I love coors I think its probably my favorite beer.. anyway this lead to lots of Van Damme impressions and us waddling around the club like a man penguin after mating season.. if you dont know what I'm talking about heres a treat for you..
The whole series of ads are weird but amazing, the my story one where he lost his clothes to bears.. check it out... either way it was odd drinking beer from a metal bottle.
the night was summed up with my friends housemate showing up.. and this girl is stunning! and to put it into perspective I mean so hot every time I saw her that night a different hot guy was talking to her.. I'd seen her out once before but it was briefly and we never spoke, not even sure we were ever on the same side of the club lol.
So imagine my surprise when my friend comes up to me asking if I'd got her text (I hadnt the clubs loud and I was drunk) she said she wanted to know if I was out because her housemate really fancied me..
I Instantly thought she ment her other housemate who I dont know, it takes me a minute to be like.. hang on isn't she married or engaged.. to which she replied "no not her!! you know the one with incredibly big eyes.. over there at the bar".. *MIND BLOWN*
I was geniuenly flabbergasted, that what was easily the best looking girl in the club who was pretty much surrounded by very good looking guys talking to her was apparently interested in me.. *CUE SOCIAL AWKWARDNESS*
So the night carries on a bit, my mind trying to figure out how I can start a convo with this girl, I've never done badly with girls but this is different I'm not the type to just randomly talk to a girl I dont know.. or anyone I dont know for that matter unless in a small social enviroment like a friends house.
This must be half an hour later we're all on the edge of the dancefloor, me, her, our friend and a few more mutual friends, we're all dancing and we've exchanged a few looks which have mostly been cut short by me feeling awkward as sin.
Then this guy leans over the railguard and tuggs on her sholder trying to get her attention, I found out later this wasnt the first time he'd tried it on with her, she turns round and tells him she's with friends trying to enjoy a dance and turns back around the guy grabs her again at which point her flatmate my friend whos birthday it was and myself step forward the guy realises he's pushed things a bit and stands there looking sullen.
It's at this point she looks at me and without saying anything I put my hand out she takes it and I walk her further into the packed dancefloor, she looks releived, but because it was so crowded we were forced to dance so close to each other it was pretty much grinding..l after what must've been 6-7 seconds but felt like eternity she looks up at me and smiles, I dont know what I was thinking but it must've summed up to "Fuck it" and having not said a single word to this girl so far, I leant in and kissed her.. BOOM.
Then after a while we all went outside for some fresh air and we ended up sitting there chatting for half an hour and spent the rest of the night talking/dancing/drinking untill we walked her and her housemate to the taxi ranks.. She even asked me for my number, it hadn't occured to me to ask for hers I was still shell shocked over the fact all of this was happening ha.
So yeah spent sunday hungover and texting this girl.. we might meet up during the week, I'm struggling a bit though it's been a month since my brake up, I feel like I maybe should leave more time before I start seeing people out of respect but at the same time why? I doubt im ever going to talk to her again and I dont know.. I'm trying to not over think things like I always do..
Someone needs to write a modern day dating etiquette for this kind of shit.. I'm a web designer give me some rules I know will work haha.
Hope you guys are having a good time this easter.
I was expecting someone to spend the weekend with me but they couldn't make it its a long distance to travel to visit me mind hopefully she can come and visit in the summer
Im keeping an open mind and heart!
Enjoy the beer and hope it all goes well
CSS joke is a bit geeky but you can have it mate might work I hope she gets it