So SG.. It's been a while.
My life has changed quite a lot in the past couple of weeks.
My girlfriend of over a year broke up with me.. she said we were on different time lines and she didn't see us getting married and having children because I'm a few years younger than her so she didnt see the point in carrying it on.. She was looking for an easy out.
One of the guys I lived with at uni for a few years died a couple of days ago, he'd been suffering from a brain tomour and had it removed six months ago.. I thought he was over the hill and in the clear only to get a phone call whilst stood in the local chip shop..
It's wierd, on both counts it hurts, but a lot less than what It should I'm sad for my ex flat mate and I can't imagine what his girlfriend of 6 years is going through she says she's just numb but the silver lining on his passing is inspiring me to seize the day a bit more..
Since last being here I'm living alone, my mum and sister are both in cardiff studying at Uni (Very proud of my mum) I've been riding a motorbike for the past 7-8months and I'm about to take my car test in the next month or two.
Still at the Retoucher job with a leading photography company I was starting in my last blog, that makes it over 18 months.. crikey that's a long time. itching to find a design job once I hit the 2 year mark.
Hello again SG, I look forward to spending the next year here and hopefully having fun, making a few friends along the way!
My life has changed quite a lot in the past couple of weeks.
My girlfriend of over a year broke up with me.. she said we were on different time lines and she didn't see us getting married and having children because I'm a few years younger than her so she didnt see the point in carrying it on.. She was looking for an easy out.
One of the guys I lived with at uni for a few years died a couple of days ago, he'd been suffering from a brain tomour and had it removed six months ago.. I thought he was over the hill and in the clear only to get a phone call whilst stood in the local chip shop..
It's wierd, on both counts it hurts, but a lot less than what It should I'm sad for my ex flat mate and I can't imagine what his girlfriend of 6 years is going through she says she's just numb but the silver lining on his passing is inspiring me to seize the day a bit more..
Since last being here I'm living alone, my mum and sister are both in cardiff studying at Uni (Very proud of my mum) I've been riding a motorbike for the past 7-8months and I'm about to take my car test in the next month or two.
Still at the Retoucher job with a leading photography company I was starting in my last blog, that makes it over 18 months.. crikey that's a long time. itching to find a design job once I hit the 2 year mark.
Hello again SG, I look forward to spending the next year here and hopefully having fun, making a few friends along the way!
Ok I guess, there are something I wanting to happen, I dont know if it will, this St Pattys day weekend was wonderful, I really dont know where to start since you have been gone for years.
You have no idea how mad I was at that guy!
That is so dumb, age never matters, all that maters are the people, not how old or young they are.
Im so sorry to hear that, I have had so many friends die over the years, it is never easy!
Man, that must be so tuff on his girlfriend!!
It is very important to seize the day, I know I need to do that more.
That is so great, I love to hear of older people going back to school.
I hope you do good on your car test.
That would be a really cool job, any job that has to do with photography would be amazing, unless it is boring family portraits, then it isnt as much fun.