Sunday 12th July 2009 19.04
This Was supposed to be a massive photo fueled blog.. Here's why there isn't a single photo to post.
I was supposed to be getting another 4 hour session on my sleeve.
On monday a friend asked if I could swap shifts with him so he could have friday off I wasn't getting tattooed till the afternoon so I was like sure why not.
I went to bed at an early time to make sure I was all refreshed for the long day ahead.. my mums cat is in season so doesn't stay quiet for more than 10mins.. I didn't get to sleep till 5am, needing to get up at 7am for work
Anyway, work goes suprisingly well and afterwards I make my way over to the tatt palour, Knowing my tattooist has a bad habit of not being able to keep a timetable I was expecting the booking to be 20mins late or something and start chatting to the nice apprentice girl.
When it gets to 45mins after my booking was supposed to start I start getting abit annoyed thinking I might only get 3 hour at this rate.
The apprentice also noticing the unusual lenghy absence goes to find out whats going on.. when she comes back she was gutted to tell me that we'd have to reshedual because my tattooist was really upset about something and didn't elaborate.
The best bit is because of them being fully booked and my largly unknown work rota I can't rebook for another 2 weeks
so no pics of my shiney part of my tatt
Was supposed to be a good gathering of friends, loads of people were gunna converge on Peebo and we were going to have a mammoth night out followed by a lengthy after party.
Neythan: (army boy) Never heard from.. He's lost his phone but he didn't facebook us or use someone elses.. think he might have had his leave cancelled but yet to be confirmed.
Paul & Julia: This couple broke down on the drive from Nottingham ended up staying for most of the day in Leicester and then having to get a train back to notts in the evening because they wouldn't have been able to afford trainfair and a night out.. not to mention the garage bills on top.
Peter&Lucy: Peter starts a new job tomorrow (monday) as an accountant (congrats) because of this however he's just bought a new car and turns out saturday was the only day he could pick it up (from another city) so he would've been able to get here in time.. No pete = No lucy.
Hollie: Has a dance teacher exam today (hope it went well) because it got moved, so understandably she couldn't risk a night out before an important test.
Jimmy: Got an emergency call from work and had to go work.
So it ended up being me and my good friend Dan sat round Catherines having a few drinks (turned into alot of drinks) and heading out.
was good but I didn't bother taking my cam because it would've been the same old pics we get every time we go to the metlounge.
I spent this morning feeling like death, it was so grim but I've since spent most of the day holed up in my dark room napping and recovering with cherry flavour fizzy cola bottles, Dairy milk and some orange Lucosade, now I nearly feel human again. Good times.
On a side note on Thurs the 2nd I went on what I suppose was a date with a cute girl, We'd been texting or msning every day, it went really well and we ended up snogging and texting for the rest of the night.
Since then she's suddenly gone cold on me n I've heard from her once.. I only mention this because it seems so odd..
It's made me paranoid that I've done something that's upset her although every ounce of logic screams thats stupid and I'm sure it's nothing I've done. Worst case scenario is she's just gone off me which would be fair enough since I'm fairly certain she knows I don't want a relationship.
Although the one time I did hear from her it was the same as every other time we've text/msn'd so that puts it in doubt.
It's just irritating that It's made me feel like this
you women are weird and unusual creatures.. but at the same time I know most people arn't as straight forward and upfront as I am.
So hopefully my website should be fully operational soon, I'll let you all know when it's ready to go.. A graphic and web design job as cropped up in ptown.. (I want a job like this)
But I don't feel my 'folio is adequate even if I can quickly Iron out the kinks (like custom fonts not showing and the php form) my Flash knowledge is rusty and I've only used indesign a couple of times.. and when it comes to typography I'm pretty much a newb.
Part of me tells myself I should just apply and worst comes to worst they'll criticise me and I'll know where to improve..
Hope you're all well
Fer x
This Was supposed to be a massive photo fueled blog.. Here's why there isn't a single photo to post.
I was supposed to be getting another 4 hour session on my sleeve.
On monday a friend asked if I could swap shifts with him so he could have friday off I wasn't getting tattooed till the afternoon so I was like sure why not.
I went to bed at an early time to make sure I was all refreshed for the long day ahead.. my mums cat is in season so doesn't stay quiet for more than 10mins.. I didn't get to sleep till 5am, needing to get up at 7am for work

Anyway, work goes suprisingly well and afterwards I make my way over to the tatt palour, Knowing my tattooist has a bad habit of not being able to keep a timetable I was expecting the booking to be 20mins late or something and start chatting to the nice apprentice girl.
When it gets to 45mins after my booking was supposed to start I start getting abit annoyed thinking I might only get 3 hour at this rate.
The apprentice also noticing the unusual lenghy absence goes to find out whats going on.. when she comes back she was gutted to tell me that we'd have to reshedual because my tattooist was really upset about something and didn't elaborate.
The best bit is because of them being fully booked and my largly unknown work rota I can't rebook for another 2 weeks

Was supposed to be a good gathering of friends, loads of people were gunna converge on Peebo and we were going to have a mammoth night out followed by a lengthy after party.
Neythan: (army boy) Never heard from.. He's lost his phone but he didn't facebook us or use someone elses.. think he might have had his leave cancelled but yet to be confirmed.
Paul & Julia: This couple broke down on the drive from Nottingham ended up staying for most of the day in Leicester and then having to get a train back to notts in the evening because they wouldn't have been able to afford trainfair and a night out.. not to mention the garage bills on top.
Peter&Lucy: Peter starts a new job tomorrow (monday) as an accountant (congrats) because of this however he's just bought a new car and turns out saturday was the only day he could pick it up (from another city) so he would've been able to get here in time.. No pete = No lucy.
Hollie: Has a dance teacher exam today (hope it went well) because it got moved, so understandably she couldn't risk a night out before an important test.
Jimmy: Got an emergency call from work and had to go work.
So it ended up being me and my good friend Dan sat round Catherines having a few drinks (turned into alot of drinks) and heading out.
was good but I didn't bother taking my cam because it would've been the same old pics we get every time we go to the metlounge.
I spent this morning feeling like death, it was so grim but I've since spent most of the day holed up in my dark room napping and recovering with cherry flavour fizzy cola bottles, Dairy milk and some orange Lucosade, now I nearly feel human again. Good times.
On a side note on Thurs the 2nd I went on what I suppose was a date with a cute girl, We'd been texting or msning every day, it went really well and we ended up snogging and texting for the rest of the night.
Since then she's suddenly gone cold on me n I've heard from her once.. I only mention this because it seems so odd..
It's made me paranoid that I've done something that's upset her although every ounce of logic screams thats stupid and I'm sure it's nothing I've done. Worst case scenario is she's just gone off me which would be fair enough since I'm fairly certain she knows I don't want a relationship.
Although the one time I did hear from her it was the same as every other time we've text/msn'd so that puts it in doubt.
It's just irritating that It's made me feel like this

So hopefully my website should be fully operational soon, I'll let you all know when it's ready to go.. A graphic and web design job as cropped up in ptown.. (I want a job like this)
But I don't feel my 'folio is adequate even if I can quickly Iron out the kinks (like custom fonts not showing and the php form) my Flash knowledge is rusty and I've only used indesign a couple of times.. and when it comes to typography I'm pretty much a newb.
Part of me tells myself I should just apply and worst comes to worst they'll criticise me and I'll know where to improve..
Hope you're all well
Fer x
To tell you the truth, its probab;y upset you because she has effectivley rejected you for no damn reason
Its certainly not your fault anyway - go to the place sat and have fun. She ain't wirth worrying over at all! xx
