Friday 3rd of July 2009 3.26pm
So my interwebs online!! Hurrah, turns out the modem randomly started to die only it did it in a slow sneaky kinda way that ment we didn't know it was modem death untill 3-4 days after the internet went down.
Either way virgin sent us a free modem and it's now back on so hurrah..
In the mean time..
Another drunken night out with the squaddy friend.

After 6months my blood from when I broke my nose is still on the club toilets wall
Lucy turned up but missing her dirty bailing boyfriend haha

Neyth passed out in the club.. Twice.

Paul showed up and got abit touchy feely (I certainly haven't selected these pics to make any suggestions of his sexuality haha uuh-huh

Huggy (The ex's brother) turned up as well, I saw him earlier in the day and he said he couldn't come out but when he showed up it made my night
the guy's a dude it's a pity we can't hang more often because he lives in leeds.
It'd be one of the perks of moving there if it's decided thats where were going.. although I like Cardiff and Swansea just as much.. It's Lancaster I don't particulary have a fancy for.

Neyths back in a weeks time, Were going to Blood Milk and Sky, I'm getting another 4 hours of ink done on my arm and he's gunna talk to my artist Sam about her doing a back peice for him or something.
Then were gunna go out on the town on him (because I payed for his night last week) so that will be aaace.
I don't feel guilty though because if he can spend 100 on lapdances a couple of weeks ago he can splash some money this way if I payed for his night out
Can't wait to get more ink done! I should have my sleeve upto the elbow at least in a 4 hour session methinks.
I've been renovating my site.. From scratch.. here's a glimpse of the new layout.. hover the menu in the top left and it uses java to dropdown.. I likes it, aaanywho It should be up and running by this time next week at the latest.

So my interwebs online!! Hurrah, turns out the modem randomly started to die only it did it in a slow sneaky kinda way that ment we didn't know it was modem death untill 3-4 days after the internet went down.
Either way virgin sent us a free modem and it's now back on so hurrah..
In the mean time..
Another drunken night out with the squaddy friend.

After 6months my blood from when I broke my nose is still on the club toilets wall

Lucy turned up but missing her dirty bailing boyfriend haha

Neyth passed out in the club.. Twice.

Paul showed up and got abit touchy feely (I certainly haven't selected these pics to make any suggestions of his sexuality haha uuh-huh

Huggy (The ex's brother) turned up as well, I saw him earlier in the day and he said he couldn't come out but when he showed up it made my night

It'd be one of the perks of moving there if it's decided thats where were going.. although I like Cardiff and Swansea just as much.. It's Lancaster I don't particulary have a fancy for.

Neyths back in a weeks time, Were going to Blood Milk and Sky, I'm getting another 4 hours of ink done on my arm and he's gunna talk to my artist Sam about her doing a back peice for him or something.
Then were gunna go out on the town on him (because I payed for his night last week) so that will be aaace.
I don't feel guilty though because if he can spend 100 on lapdances a couple of weeks ago he can splash some money this way if I payed for his night out

Can't wait to get more ink done! I should have my sleeve upto the elbow at least in a 4 hour session methinks.
I've been renovating my site.. From scratch.. here's a glimpse of the new layout.. hover the menu in the top left and it uses java to dropdown.. I likes it, aaanywho It should be up and running by this time next week at the latest.

i've still never seen the prodigy
flatmate 1 actually confronted her about it a while ago but she just went mental, so we're all scared to now. good news is though i've found my book and taken it back, hurrah! it's staying close-by from now on!
haha, might not be Dr Alyze but it'd be something like that