22/06/09 18.29 Monday
My internets down, Which makes renovating.. well Rebuilding my website difficult.. not because of access to the site but because I dont have the full wealth of knowledge that is the internet to check up various codes n stuff.
Still I'm working on it just at a slower pace.
Other news I went and saw Transformers 2 & the Hangover the other day.
Transformers 2 I didn't go in expecting much because I wasn't a big fan of the first one and I have an irrational hatred of Shia Labouf lol
It turned out better than I expected although not by much, I was amused by Jetfire the old British robot.. One question though
My internets down, Which makes renovating.. well Rebuilding my website difficult.. not because of access to the site but because I dont have the full wealth of knowledge that is the internet to check up various codes n stuff.
Still I'm working on it just at a slower pace.
Other news I went and saw Transformers 2 & the Hangover the other day.
Transformers 2 I didn't go in expecting much because I wasn't a big fan of the first one and I have an irrational hatred of Shia Labouf lol
It turned out better than I expected although not by much, I was amused by Jetfire the old British robot.. One question though
Really enjoyed the Hangover.. Moreso than Transformers, Deffinatly going to buy it when it's out on DVD.
Any who Hopefully I'll have my net on again soon Hope you're all well
oh and check out this awesome flash game Eyezmaze
Fer x
Why is your internet down?
Why do you hate Shia Labouf? I dont know much about the person.
I have not seen the first one yet, so I need to see the first one before I see the 2nd one.