16/06/09 17.33
Hmm I'm not happy with my site.. actually I take that back I'm proud i've actually managed to publish something to the web.
I just hate how it's made me realise just how far to go I have >.>
Good thing I've got a week off to work on it eh?
ha! fuck I will have an awesome site! I'll just have to carry on slogging this learning curve!
It makes me angy that during the two terms we did webdev at uni they tought us bad habits..
We were taught us that HTML should be used for the layout and CCS the the style of the site..
I still think this is right to a degree, but they taught us tables should be used to help with the layout.. I've quickly discovered that this is far from the best practice.. gash
Hmm I'm not happy with my site.. actually I take that back I'm proud i've actually managed to publish something to the web.
I just hate how it's made me realise just how far to go I have >.>
Good thing I've got a week off to work on it eh?

It makes me angy that during the two terms we did webdev at uni they tought us bad habits..
We were taught us that HTML should be used for the layout and CCS the the style of the site..
I still think this is right to a degree, but they taught us tables should be used to help with the layout.. I've quickly discovered that this is far from the best practice.. gash
Hope to join you in there one day, but i guess my application got lost in the post......
That would be a really bad idea unless I move to some where that I know people, my best friend is in Lexington and the couple of friends that I do have are also here, if I moved I would never have anymore friends, I would go to work and come home all alone and I would be miserable, I dont really know why movie would make a difference, if I cant go up and talk to people in a city where I have lived for 3 years then I sure wouldnt be abele to go up and talk to people in a new city, I think I would be better off staying in a place where I at least have a couple of friends.