18/05/09 Monday. 22.21
I probably should've mentioned that I would be having a three day weekend when writting my last entry ^^
I didn't lie here's some stuff..
The Brief
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
Produce a set of animated web banners for BMW, advertising the release of the new Z4.
You will need to produce 3 separate highly polished visual concepts for this brief.
Present your visuals in A4 landscape format in a series of no more than 5 40mm x 40mm boxes.
Think about your target market, age group and the current BMW branding.
Also think about ways to draw the viewers attention towards this new and exciting vehicle.
Produce one visual that is online with the current BMW branding, one concept that pushes the boundaries of the current BMW branding, and one that is completely, insanely not BMW branding at all.
Copy to be used in the banners:
The new BMW Z4, 6 cylinder, twin turbo, 6 speed manual.
0 - 60mph quicker than you can say "I'll take 2"
Once you have presented your 3 concepts, the client (me) will choose which one you can produce into a set of various sized flash web banners in the following sizes.
250px x 250px
428px x 60px
160px x 600px
xx bb xx
So here's my concepts and the colour palette that I used for a couple of em.

As far as it goes for concepts I'm happy with them. I'd be happy to show them to a client.
This brief has helped me learn a few things to a higher level that I originally knew, for example Brush creation and just how usefull the grid/rules can be.
I look forward to turning one of them into into a flash/gif banner, Here's the blurb behind each concept.
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
I've done these concepts in CMYK because In a business situation I'd print off copies of the story board so I could send the customer a hardcopy of the concept if required.
All actual web based imagery will be done in a Monitor RGB proof setup.
Concept one -
1)It would be a white background to start and the coloured tire tread pattern would evolve around the banner until.
4)The text appears and then once the text has finished it would reverse back to white.
This one follows BMWs current advertising campain for the new Z4 featuring coloured tire tracks over a white canvas.
I wanted to keep this one simple and stylish, potentially keeping an air of mystery by not actually showing the car itself.
Hopefully the copy will be detailed enough to make people that know abit about cars interested but vague enough not to give to much away.
Also the witty last lines would appeal to people who might no know much about cars and make them want to find out what car could be that fast.
Concept two
1) Starts with just a shot of the car and a blank background.
2) Text banner appears and background gradients increase, the picture will also flicker with brightness (see 3).
3) Text appears animated and The picture continues to flicker.
4) Once text disappears the banner will also disappear and the lower gradients will fade and the picture will cease to flicker. The whole thing will then loop continuously.
Using a colour palette to keep in match with previous advertising campaigns and using jagged lines around the product to push BMWs norms (they seem to prefer open soft plains so it keeps the straightness but exaggerates it)
The addition of the handwritten style text and curved banner would however push a less harsh and more friendly styling suggesting that it's got a wider target audience.
Concept three -
1) Simple shot, no movement until the text starts to appear.
2) The gears at the bottom spin dragging the text onto the top of the banner.
3) The gears stop moving as the text is removed from the banner.
4) The picture of the Car fades to black, It then fades back up to loop again.
This concept is designed to be completely out of character for BMW focusing mostly on bright colours (green in this case).
This would be more appealing to target audiences non customary targeted by BMW.
Especially the younger audiences.
The car in the picture is a more sporty model featuring a body kit and spoiler.
This also appeals to the younger audiences.
Felt good doing something Creative/Productive! on to other news!
Firstly It's official I'm an old man
Not only do I like drinking tea snuggling up in a blanket and eating crusty bread with sloppy foods, (I've been called up on all of these) It's not that I'm turning grey But now I've also got knee problems
I thought I'd wrentched it from biking to work n back on my BMX but my mum tells me that she's had similar problems when she was younger and had a walking job.
It doesn't hurt if I walk about normally but lots of stairs, a ladders or riding my bike vigorously = nasty aching in my left knee.
Mum thinks it might be a mild form of Patella Tendonitis because of the shape of my BMX so I've given it this weekend to sort itself out and if riding to work and back aggrovates it I'll make a doctors appointment.
It's annoying because for 3 years at uni I studied Aikido twice a week and went to the gym regulary but no problems what so ever..
I actually start riding to get to and from places and my knee packs in lol.
Also change of plans.. I'm no longer going to the Anime Con in London next week, It turns out that it's my friends last week in leicester because a couple of friends are finishing uni.
So me and a couple of others are heading over, were gunna have a massive BBQ followed by a night out at MOSH, with a Beer festival the next day.. and there was me not wanting to spend anything this month
should be alot of fun though 
oh and here's a pic from a raid we did yesturday

(I'm the Troll rogue squatting on the right ^^)
Fer xx