02/05/09 23.20 sunday.
Lets start off with the fun stuff!
Had a BBQ followed by a night on the tiles to celebrate my friend Neythen passing out of basic training as top recuite of his troop!
He got a medal and everything.
This is the guy himself..
We had a mammoth bbq, there was too much meat and too much drink, In a good way.
That was untill the half a yard came out!
After a few of those things went downhill for the poor bloke.
So to celebrate him passing out of training he literally passed out and didn't make it to the club HA! .. we did warn him to calm down but you can guess what Squaddys are like.
So anywho we wen't out without him leaving him a note incase he woke up (he didn't untill we returned).
Fun with glowsticks ensued.. It was a great night.
Right on to other news..
I think I'm being fucked for 2k..
That course that I was sold is completely different to what the sales advisor told me..
It's a basic beginners course, It's still going to be helpfull but it's no where near as advanced as he promised me or apparently many others who the sales advisors told.
There's a massive shit storm on the forums with people kicking off about how the course has been miss sold to them..
For me the annoying thing is that I thought I'd at least be elegable for a entry level job and know some java n probably have to look up the more advanced scripts.
Turns out I'll be lucky if we learn ANY java and anything more than basic CSS
grr oh and when I went to suspend my direct debit untill the issue of abusive sales people could be resolved it turned out they hadn't been using a direct debit like they told me they would, Just normal switch transactions...
This made me angry and the only way I can stop them taking money is if I cancel my card and order a new one ><;
I'll post the reply to my email of complaint when it comes in.
My SG hoody hasn't turned up yet the 2week estimate was saturday and it being a bank holiday it wont turn up till tues now minimum, Meh it'll be worth the wait ^^
The free server I'm on for WoW has just upgraded to lich king and now I'm being bugged to play again... and I feel myself drawn to dust off the old toons.. much as I dislike it.. 6months clean now haha
I'll post some screenies if i do.. which I probably will
Fer x
Lets start off with the fun stuff!
Had a BBQ followed by a night on the tiles to celebrate my friend Neythen passing out of basic training as top recuite of his troop!
He got a medal and everything.
This is the guy himself..
We had a mammoth bbq, there was too much meat and too much drink, In a good way.
That was untill the half a yard came out!
After a few of those things went downhill for the poor bloke.
So to celebrate him passing out of training he literally passed out and didn't make it to the club HA! .. we did warn him to calm down but you can guess what Squaddys are like.
So anywho we wen't out without him leaving him a note incase he woke up (he didn't untill we returned).
Fun with glowsticks ensued.. It was a great night.
Right on to other news..
I think I'm being fucked for 2k..
That course that I was sold is completely different to what the sales advisor told me..
It's a basic beginners course, It's still going to be helpfull but it's no where near as advanced as he promised me or apparently many others who the sales advisors told.
There's a massive shit storm on the forums with people kicking off about how the course has been miss sold to them..
For me the annoying thing is that I thought I'd at least be elegable for a entry level job and know some java n probably have to look up the more advanced scripts.
Turns out I'll be lucky if we learn ANY java and anything more than basic CSS
grr oh and when I went to suspend my direct debit untill the issue of abusive sales people could be resolved it turned out they hadn't been using a direct debit like they told me they would, Just normal switch transactions...
This made me angry and the only way I can stop them taking money is if I cancel my card and order a new one ><;
I'll post the reply to my email of complaint when it comes in.
My SG hoody hasn't turned up yet the 2week estimate was saturday and it being a bank holiday it wont turn up till tues now minimum, Meh it'll be worth the wait ^^
The free server I'm on for WoW has just upgraded to lich king and now I'm being bugged to play again... and I feel myself drawn to dust off the old toons.. much as I dislike it.. 6months clean now haha
I'll post some screenies if i do.. which I probably will
Fer x
Maybe I'll give submitting the group a try... maybe if we get enough people under it they will chose to open it as an option.
Also, like the Akala song! I've also been listening to Kano as well... like this: