16/10/08 2.38 am
I'm ill again
24 hours after finishing my antibiotics I've had a mini relapse.. It's no where near as bad as it was first time round but I'm going to have to go to the docters again to finish this bastard throat infection once and for all!
It's the fact that I'm always dizzy and off-balance because the throats connected to the ears and it's fucking with them aswell that gets to me.
Ergh, I miss being healthy
I'm ill again

24 hours after finishing my antibiotics I've had a mini relapse.. It's no where near as bad as it was first time round but I'm going to have to go to the docters again to finish this bastard throat infection once and for all!
It's the fact that I'm always dizzy and off-balance because the throats connected to the ears and it's fucking with them aswell that gets to me.
Ergh, I miss being healthy

ok, thank you very much.
aye, well what with planning on being a lingerie designer, i figure i should get some practice runs in before i start making them properly! my mister loves the fact i'm confident enough to show my naked self on here