04/08/08 Monday 5.07pm
I just found out that they've made a cartoon based on some of my faverite Books "the Dragonlance" series..
I'd completely forgotten about it.. I read them so long ago.
I thought they'd made a movie which would've been tones better.. The idea of it being a cartoon makes me worry that they've dummed down the books to make it suitable for children.. with less of the violence sex and moral cunnundrums than the book had to offer..
I'm going to have to hunt a copy down!
Took the mrs to go see Wallee at the movies on sunday.. wasn't as bad as I was expecting.
For a film that has hardly any dialogue and is deffinatly more for the ladies I was pleasently suprised lol
Beth loved it anywho.
I can't wait to go see tropic thunder (think that's what it's called) with jack black, ben stiller and best of all a blacked up Robert Downy Jr I don't have a clue to the context but any film brave enough to do that with those three in it is more than likely going to be hillarious ^^
I think I've got another peice to add to my Portfolio.. I'm just spreading it around at the mo.. as userall I spent so long staring at it that I'm not happy with it anymore, so just seeing what the rating from other peeps is.
I'm thinking of going Vegi again.. (was vegi for 14 years of my life).. Not for any moral stand point.. Hell I'm abit of a bastard when it comes to debates about animals for food.. but Half the crap I seem to eat is stuff like dirty burgers so the gut is starting to bulge.. specially since this place doesn't have Aikido.. and I'm to dirt poor to afford gym membership..
That and I forgot how damn good a spicey bean burger can be
I just found out that they've made a cartoon based on some of my faverite Books "the Dragonlance" series..
I'd completely forgotten about it.. I read them so long ago.
I thought they'd made a movie which would've been tones better.. The idea of it being a cartoon makes me worry that they've dummed down the books to make it suitable for children.. with less of the violence sex and moral cunnundrums than the book had to offer..
I'm going to have to hunt a copy down!
Took the mrs to go see Wallee at the movies on sunday.. wasn't as bad as I was expecting.
For a film that has hardly any dialogue and is deffinatly more for the ladies I was pleasently suprised lol
Beth loved it anywho.
I can't wait to go see tropic thunder (think that's what it's called) with jack black, ben stiller and best of all a blacked up Robert Downy Jr I don't have a clue to the context but any film brave enough to do that with those three in it is more than likely going to be hillarious ^^
I think I've got another peice to add to my Portfolio.. I'm just spreading it around at the mo.. as userall I spent so long staring at it that I'm not happy with it anymore, so just seeing what the rating from other peeps is.
I'm thinking of going Vegi again.. (was vegi for 14 years of my life).. Not for any moral stand point.. Hell I'm abit of a bastard when it comes to debates about animals for food.. but Half the crap I seem to eat is stuff like dirty burgers so the gut is starting to bulge.. specially since this place doesn't have Aikido.. and I'm to dirt poor to afford gym membership..
That and I forgot how damn good a spicey bean burger can be