22/07/08 11.55pm
Today's been pretty good
Went into town with Dan and we hung out some.. I bought a couple of games with my free goverment money..
It's suprising some of the games that were in the 2 for 20 section of gamestation..
I picked up Kane&Lynch and Sonic ^^
I also saw the funniest and nastiest thing in a little while.. a few pidgeons eating a pile of vomit haha,, it was nasty but funny as hell!
we also saw one of hte most impressive mullets I've ever seen and that was on a woman.
Beth's feeling ill as well.. I want to go see her and look after her <3
I'm going to take her to see the Dark Knight this weekend! should be good, I'll let you know what It's like
I'm going to make a toasted cheese sandwedge ^^
Today's been pretty good

Went into town with Dan and we hung out some.. I bought a couple of games with my free goverment money..
It's suprising some of the games that were in the 2 for 20 section of gamestation..
I picked up Kane&Lynch and Sonic ^^
I also saw the funniest and nastiest thing in a little while.. a few pidgeons eating a pile of vomit haha,, it was nasty but funny as hell!
we also saw one of hte most impressive mullets I've ever seen and that was on a woman.
Beth's feeling ill as well.. I want to go see her and look after her <3
I'm going to take her to see the Dark Knight this weekend! should be good, I'll let you know what It's like
I'm going to make a toasted cheese sandwedge ^^