Sunday 7/6/08 12.16am
I've just got home from Vickys party.. I went dressed up as terrorist from counter strike (thinking it was 90's theme).. turned out was 80's themed so went as a badguy from die hard 2 lol
Thanks to an entire bottle of dirt Asda own gin Im feeling rough as fuck.. past the stupidly drunk phase and straight to the hangover missing the sleep
Thank fuck my mum went shopping and bought tropical juice, Hula hoops and pain killers otherwise I'd be fucked.
Me and Beth (the gf) had a pretty deep convo at the party.. we sorted a few things out and although things arn't 100% smooth there almost as good as things can get methinks..
She's gorgous and could put all you SG's to shame if that was how she was..
aaanywho.. I'm off to bed I didn't sleep last night and with this headache I could fall down n sleep in this chair..
Although I've already learnt sumthing today.. I just learnt that 750cl of Gin before going out ISN'T a good nor clever idea.. specially in combo with dirt 20p lemonade ><
Night peeps x
I've just got home from Vickys party.. I went dressed up as terrorist from counter strike (thinking it was 90's theme).. turned out was 80's themed so went as a badguy from die hard 2 lol
Thanks to an entire bottle of dirt Asda own gin Im feeling rough as fuck.. past the stupidly drunk phase and straight to the hangover missing the sleep
Thank fuck my mum went shopping and bought tropical juice, Hula hoops and pain killers otherwise I'd be fucked.
Me and Beth (the gf) had a pretty deep convo at the party.. we sorted a few things out and although things arn't 100% smooth there almost as good as things can get methinks..
She's gorgous and could put all you SG's to shame if that was how she was..
aaanywho.. I'm off to bed I didn't sleep last night and with this headache I could fall down n sleep in this chair..
Although I've already learnt sumthing today.. I just learnt that 750cl of Gin before going out ISN'T a good nor clever idea.. specially in combo with dirt 20p lemonade ><
Night peeps x