wow... s'been a while since i've updated...
too much is going on to type... but it feels like nothing really progressive has happened. went to cali to see mom, who's pretty sick still, got sick on the way down and was so contagious i couldn't really get too close to her. <--bummer.
but on a less depressing note, i'm training my replacement starting today so that i can start at SOU. YAY! i can't wait to learn again.
headache brewing,.. let's see if my car makes it home...
too much is going on to type... but it feels like nothing really progressive has happened. went to cali to see mom, who's pretty sick still, got sick on the way down and was so contagious i couldn't really get too close to her. <--bummer.
but on a less depressing note, i'm training my replacement starting today so that i can start at SOU. YAY! i can't wait to learn again.
headache brewing,.. let's see if my car makes it home...

cool, what will you be studying?